What are the expected physical findings for a client with acromegaly


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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some help understanding the expected physical findings for a client with acromegaly. I'm a healthcare professional trying to learn more about this condition and would appreciate any insight or resources that any of you might have.

What kind of physical findings can be expected in a patient with acromegaly? Are there any specific signs or symptoms that are more common in people with this condition? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod

Physical Findings in Acromegaly

Acromegaly is a rare endocrine disorder caused by the overproduction of growth hormone in adults. It is characterized by physical changes, which can include enlargement of the facial features, hands, feet, and internal organs. The following physical findings are commonly seen in clients with acromegaly:

Enlarged Facial Features: Clients with acromegaly may have an enlarged forehead, jaw, and nose. They may also have thick lips, deep creases in their cheeks, and an increased distance between their eyes.

Larger Hands and Feet: Acromegaly can cause the hands and feet to become larger than normal. The fingers may become thicker, and the feet may increase in size.

Increased Muscle Mass: Clients with acromegaly may have an increase in muscle mass, which can cause them to appear more muscular than normal.

Enlarged Internal Organs: The overproduction of growth hormone can cause the internal organs, such as the heart, liver, and kidneys, to become enlarged. This can lead to complications and may require medical intervention.

Sleep Apnea: Sleep apnea, a disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep, is common in clients with acromegaly. They may also experience excessive snoring and daytime fatigue.

Vision Problems: Clients with acromegaly may experience blurred vision or have difficulty focusing on close objects. This can be caused by the enlargement of the optic nerve.

Joint Pain: Joint pain is a common symptom of acromegaly. This can be caused by the enlargement of the bones in the joints and the resulting pressure on the surrounding tissues.


Active member
Physical findings in clients with acromegaly will vary depending on the severity and length of the condition. Generally, physical findings may include:

-Enlarged hands and feet: The most characteristic physical finding in patients with acromegaly is enlargement of the hands and feet due to the enlargement of bones and soft tissues. This is usually symmetrical and involves the entire appendage, including the fingers and toes.

-Enlargement of facial features: Patients may experience an enlargement of facial features, such as the nose, jaw, and forehead, due to the enlargement of bones and soft tissues.

-Enlarged tongue: The tongue may become enlarged due to the enlargement of muscles and tissues.

-Increased sweating: Patients may experience increased sweating due to the increased secretion of growth hormone.

-Enlarged organs: The enlarged organs may include the heart, liver, and kidneys.

-Deepened voice: The voice may become deeper due to the enlargement of the larynx.

-Enlarged thyroid: The thyroid gland may become enlarged due to increased production of thyroid hormones.

-Widened blood vessels: Patients may experience widened blood vessels due to the increased production of insulin-like growth factor.

-Increased blood pressure: Patients may experience an increase in blood pressure due to the increased production of growth hormone.

-Skin tags: Patients may experience the growth of small, fleshy tags on the skin due to the enlargement of blood vessels.

-Visual disturbances: Patients may experience visual disturbances due to the pressure of the enlarged pituitary gland on the optic nerve.

-Enlarged feet: The feet may become enlarged due to the accumulation of fluid in the soft tissues.


Active member
The physical findings associated with acromegaly include an enlarged face, hands, and feet, thickened skin, enlarged tongue, and protruding jaw. Other symptoms may include excessive sweating, a deepened voice, enlarged internal organs, and joint pain. In some cases, the person may have vision problems and increased blood pressure. Acromegaly can also cause changes in mood or behavior, such as increased irritability.


Active member
Physical findings in clients with acromegaly will vary depending on the severity and length of the condition. Generally, physical findings may include:

-Enlarged hands and feet: The most characteristic physical finding in patients with acromegaly is enlargement of the hands and feet due to the enlargement of bones and soft tissues. This is usually symmetrical and involves the entire appendage, including the fingers and toes.

-Enlargement of facial features: Patients may experience an enlargement of facial features, such as the nose, jaw, and forehead, due to the enlargement of bones and soft tissues.

-Enlarged tongue: The tongue may become enlarged due to the enlargement of muscles and tissues.

-Increased sweating: Patients may experience increased sweating due to the increased secretion of growth hormone.

-Enlarged organs: The enlarged organs may include the heart, liver, and kidneys.

-Deepened voice: The voice may become deeper due to the enlargement of the larynx.

-Enlarged thyroid: The thyroid gland may become enlarged due to increased production of thyroid hormones.

-Widened blood vessels: Patients may experience widened blood vessels due to the increased production of insulin-like growth factor.

-Increased blood pressure: Patients may experience an increase in blood pressure due to the increased production of growth hormone.

-Skin tags: Patients may experience the growth of small, fleshy tags on the skin due to the enlargement of blood vessels.

-Visual disturbances: Patients may experience visual disturbances due to the pressure of the enlarged pituitary gland on the optic nerve.

-Enlarged feet: The feet may become enlarged due to the accumulation of fluid in the soft tissues.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Acromegaly is a condition caused by excessive growth hormone (GH) production. Physical findings can include increased size of the hands and feet, an enlarged face, and thickening of certain facial features such as the nose, lips, and ears. In addition, acromegaly can cause excessive sweating, joint pain, and a deep, husky voice. In severe cases, vision problems, diabetes, and abnormal enlargement of internal organs have been known to occur.


Active member
Acromegaly is a condition caused by an excess of growth hormone, which can result in physical findings such as enlarged hands, feet, and jaw, thickened skin, and an increase in body hair. Other signs and symptoms may include enlargement of the organs, headaches, vision changes, and joint pains.