What are the Efforts to Reduce Middle East Youth Unemployment


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Hey everyone,

I'm looking for some help understanding what efforts are being made to reduce youth unemployment in the Middle East. I know unemployment is a major issue in the region, especially among young people, and I'm interested in understanding what actions are being taken to improve the situation. Can anyone recommend any resources or information that might be helpful on this topic? Any insight would be much appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
The Middle East region is facing a major crisis when it comes to youth unemployment. According to the World Bank, the unemployment rate among Middle East youth is currently as high as 28%. This is a staggering statistic that has caused many to ask: What are the efforts to reduce Middle East youth unemployment?

Governments and Educational Reforms

In an effort to reduce the high rate of youth unemployment in the Middle East, governments have taken steps to reform their educational systems. This includes introducing new curricula and programs that focus on teaching skills that are more applicable to the job market. For example, in the United Arab Emirates, the government has introduced a new program, called the “UAE Skills Initiative,” which teaches youth the skills needed to succeed in the job market.

Private Sector Initiatives

In addition to government initiatives, the private sector has also been taking steps to reduce the high rate of youth unemployment. Private sector initiatives include the introduction of new apprenticeship and internship programs, as well as other initiatives that focus on providing youth with job-related training and skills development. For example, in Jordan, a number of private sector organizations have launched the “Workforce Development Initiative,” which provides youth with job-related training and skills development.

Entrepreneurial Initiatives

In addition to private sector initiatives, there have also been a number of entrepreneurial initiatives that have been launched to address the issue of youth unemployment in the Middle East. These initiatives focus on providing youth with the resources and tools they need to launch their own businesses and become entrepreneurs. For example, in Egypt, the government launched the “Startup Egypt” initiative, which provides youth with access to resources such as funding, mentoring, and training in order to help them launch their own businesses.


The high rate of youth unemployment in the Middle East is a major problem that needs to be addressed. Governments, private sector organizations, and entrepreneurs have all taken steps to reduce the rate of youth unemployment in the region. These initiatives have included introducing new curricula and programs, launching apprenticeship and internship programs, and providing youth with resources to launch their own businesses. By taking these steps, it is possible to reduce the rate of youth unemployment in the Middle East.


Active member
There are a number of efforts being made to reduce Middle East youth unemployment. Governments are increasing investment in education and apprenticeship programs to help young people gain the skills they need to find employment. Additionally, governments are working to create more jobs in sectors such as technology, engineering, and healthcare that could potentially employ large numbers of youth. Furthermore, efforts are being made to create job training programs that focus on connecting young people with jobs in the private sector. Finally, governments are looking at ways to reduce the costs associated with starting a business to encourage more entrepreneurs to enter the labor market.


Global Mod
Global Mod
Question: What are the Efforts to Reduce Middle East Youth Unemployment?

The Middle East has been facing a steep rise in youth unemployment, in part due to the challenging economic conditions in the region. Despite the region’s immense wealth, it has one of the highest unemployment rates in the world, with young people particularly affected. This situation has been further exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, with millions of job losses across the region. In response to this alarming trend, various initiatives have been implemented in an attempt to reduce youth unemployment in the Middle East.

One of the most notable initiatives is the Abu Dhabi Youth Hub, an ambitious project established in 2015 by the Abu Dhabi government. The hub is designed to create jobs and economic opportunities for young people in the emirate. It functions as an incubator for innovative projects, offering mentorship, business advice, and financial support to start-up companies. In addition, the hub provides training and professional development programs to help young people develop the skills necessary to succeed in the job market.

Another example is the “Youth Employment Program”, launched in 2016 by the International Labor Organization (ILO). This program aims to create employment opportunities for young people in the Middle East by providing job training and job placement services. It also works to improve access to quality education and vocational training, and promotes entrepreneurship and self-employment.

In addition, the World Bank has invested heavily in youth-focused initiatives in the Middle East. For instance, the bank has provided funding for skills development programs in Jordan, Tunisia, and other countries in the region. It has also supported the establishment of start-up incubators and business accelerators to help young entrepreneurs launch new businesses.

Finally, there are a variety of private sector initiatives that have been implemented in the Middle East to reduce youth unemployment. For example, the Dubai-based start-up accelerator, “Hatch”, has been helping young entrepreneurs launch their own businesses. Meanwhile, the “Injaz” program, run by the Jordan-based non-profit organization, “Youth in Action”, is helping young people acquire the skills they need to find employment.

Overall, these initiatives are helping to reduce youth unemployment in the Middle East, but much more needs to be done. Governments and private sector organizations must continue to invest in programs that promote job creation, skills development, and entrepreneurship. By doing so, they can create more opportunities for young people in the region, and equip them with the skills and resources they need to succeed in the job market.


Active member
The Middle East is facing a youth unemployment crisis, with over 30 percent of young people unemployed. This is a major challenge for the region, as youth unemployment can lead to social unrest, poverty, and civil strife. In order to address this issue, the governments in the Middle East have taken steps to reduce youth unemployment.

One way governments have done this is by investing in programs and initiatives that create new job opportunities for young people. This includes providing incentives for businesses to hire young people, as well as increasing access to employment training programs. In addition, governments in the region have worked to improve the quality of education, which can help young people develop the skills needed to find employment.

In addition, governments in the Middle East have been working to reduce the number of regulations and bureaucratic barriers that make it difficult for businesses to hire young people. This includes streamlining the hiring process and making it easier for businesses to access the resources they need in order to expand their workforce.

Finally, governments have been engaging in initiatives that support young entrepreneurs. This includes providing grants and other forms of financial assistance, as well as creating incubators and accelerators to help young entrepreneurs launch and grow their businesses.

The efforts to reduce Middle East youth unemployment are ongoing, and there is still much work to be done. However, the steps already taken by governments in the region have helped to create new job opportunities for young people, and this has had a positive impact on the economic and social development of the region.


Active member
What are the Efforts to Reduce Middle East Youth Unemployment?

The Middle East has seen a significant rise in youth unemployment in recent years, leading to a variety of initiatives and efforts to reduce these numbers. Governments across the region are investing in job training and education programs to equip young people with the skills needed to secure employment. Additionally, governments are creating employment opportunities through public works projects and encouraging private sector investment. In addition, there are initiatives to promote entrepreneurship and self-employment, such as providing access to start-up capital and mentorship opportunities. Finally, the region is exploring ways to better utilize its abundant natural resources and create more sustainable job opportunities. All of these efforts are helping to reduce youth unemployment in the Middle East.


Active member
In order to reduce the youth unemployment rate in the Middle East, it is essential to invest in job training and education programs, as well as to create more opportunities for internships and apprenticeships. Additionally, governments can provide incentives for employers to hire young people, such as tax breaks or subsidies. Additionally, governments can invest in infrastructure projects that create jobs in the region, while supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs. Finally, governments should focus on creating economic policies that promote long-term growth and greater economic stability.