What are the Efforts to Preserve and Revitalize Middle East Traditional Crafts


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I'm looking for help understanding the efforts to preserve and revitalize traditional crafts in the Middle East. Does anyone have any insight or experience in this area? Are there any organizations that are actively working to preserve and revitalize these crafts? Are there any examples of success stories that I can learn from? I'm interested to hear what approaches have been tried, and what strategies have been effective. I'd also love to hear any suggestions for how I can get involved in this effort.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Preserving and Revitalizing Middle Eastern Traditional Crafts
Preserving and revitalizing traditional crafts of the Middle East is an important part of cultural heritage. Traditional crafts are part of the region’s identity and have been passed down through generations. However, these crafts are now under threat due to modernization and urbanization. In order to protect and promote these traditional crafts, a number of initiatives and organizations have been established to support their preservation and revitalization. This article will discuss some of these efforts and the impact they have had on the preservation and revitalization of Middle Eastern traditional crafts.

Government Initiatives

In order to protect and promote the preservation and revitalization of traditional crafts in the Middle East, a number of government initiatives have been put in place. In Egypt, the Ministry of Culture has created the Crafts Development Program (CDP), which provides financial grants and technical expertise to traditional craftspeople and artisans. Additionally, the Ministry of Culture has established several craft centers across the country that provide a platform for artisans to showcase their work and network with other craftspeople.

In Jordan, the government has established the Crafts Development Center (CDC) to promote traditional crafts. The CDC provides training and support to craftspeople and artisans, as well as promoting local craft markets. The CDC also assists in the organization of exhibitions and festivals that showcase traditional crafts and promote their preservation and revitalization.

In the United Arab Emirates, the Ministry of Culture has created the Crafts Development Program (CDP). This program provides financial grants and technical assistance to craftspeople and artisans, as well as organizing exhibitions and festivals to promote traditional crafts. Additionally, the CDP works with international organizations to promote the preservation and revitalization of traditional crafts in the region.

International Organizations

In addition to government initiatives, there are also a number of international organizations working to preserve and revitalize traditional crafts in the Middle East. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has been working to promote the preservation and revitalization of traditional crafts in the region since the 1970s. UNESCO works with government and non-governmental organizations to provide support and assistance to craftspeople and artisans. Additionally, UNESCO works to promote traditional crafts through the organization of exhibitions and festivals, as well as through the provision of grants and technical assistance.

The International Council of Traditional Crafts (ICTC) is another international organization that is dedicated to the preservation and revitalization of traditional crafts in the Middle East. ICTC works with local and international organizations to provide support and assistance to craftspeople and artisans. Additionally, ICTC works to promote traditional crafts through the organization of exhibitions, festivals, and grants.

Non-Governmental Organizations

There are also a number of non-governmental organizations that are dedicated to the preservation and revitalization of traditional crafts in the Middle East. These organizations work to promote traditional crafts through the organization of exhibitions, festivals, and grants. Additionally, they provide support and assistance to craftspeople and artisans, as well as providing them with a platform to showcase their work.

The Arab Crafts Organization (ACO) is an example of a non-governmental organization dedicated to the preservation and revitalization of traditional crafts in the Middle East. The ACO works to promote traditional crafts through the organization of exhibitions and festivals, as well as through the provision of grants and technical assistance. Additionally, the ACO provides support and assistance to craftspeople and artisans, as well as promoting local craft markets.


In conclusion, there are a number of initiatives and organizations dedicated to the preservation and revitalization of traditional crafts in the Middle East. Government initiatives, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations are all working to promote traditional crafts through the organization of exhibitions, festivals, and grants. Additionally, they provide support and assistance to craftspeople and artisans, as well as providing them with a platform to showcase their work. These initiatives and organizations are essential to the preservation and revitalization of traditional crafts in the Middle East.


Active member
There are many initiatives being taken to preserve and revitalize Middle East traditional crafts. Governments, international organizations, and local communities are all working together to support the continuation of these crafts. Examples include funding for craftspeople, the establishment of craft centers and museums, the development of educational programs, and the promotion of traditional craftwork through events and festivals. Additionally, there is an increasing focus on the preservation of traditional craft knowledge and techniques, as well as the integration of traditional craft methods into modern designs. All of these efforts help to ensure that these ancient crafts will continue to be passed down for generations to come.


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The Middle East region has a rich history of traditional craftsmanship spanning centuries, with many crafts still practiced today. In recent years, there has been a growing effort to preserve and revitalize these ancient crafts in order to keep this important cultural heritage alive.

One of the main efforts to preserve and revitalize Middle Eastern traditional crafts has been the formation of organizations dedicated to this purpose. These organizations are often government or non-profit initiatives, and they work to support the craftspeople and their trade. They provide access to resources, training and networking opportunities, as well as platforms for marketing and selling the crafts. These organizations also work to encourage the development of new crafts, while preserving the traditional techniques and practices.

In addition to these organizations, there has been an increase in educational initiatives dedicated to preserving and revitalizing Middle Eastern traditional crafts. These initiatives typically involve teaching classes on the history and practice of the craft, as well as providing hands-on training for those who wish to learn or practice a particular craft. There are also programs that focus on the economic and social benefits of preserving and revitalizing traditional crafts, aiming to show how these crafts can create sustainable livelihoods.

Finally, many museums and heritage sites have taken up the task of preserving and revitalizing Middle Eastern traditional crafts. These sites often have exhibits that showcase the craftspeople and their work, as well as collections of crafts and tools. They may also host events or workshops dedicated to traditional crafts, providing an opportunity for the public to learn more about these crafts and their importance.

These efforts to preserve and revitalize Middle Eastern traditional crafts are invaluable, as they help ensure that this important cultural heritage is preserved for future generations. By providing access to resources, training, and education, as well as platforms for marketing and selling the crafts, these initiatives are helping to keep these crafts alive and thriving.


Active member
The Middle East has long been a source of exquisite traditional crafts, such as pottery, weaving, and metalworking. What efforts are being put forth to preserve and revitalize this unique cultural heritage?

Efforts to preserve and revitalize Middle Eastern traditional crafts are diverse and varied. Many organizations, both public and private, are working to raise awareness and appreciation of these crafts. They provide training and educational opportunities for craftspeople, promote traditional craftsmanship through marketing and exhibitions, and lobby for laws and regulations that protect the rights of craftspeople and guard against the exploitation of their work. Additionally, some governments have implemented programs to fund and support craftspeople and their craft, while others have established museums dedicated to showcasing the region's traditional crafts. Finally, the use of digital technologies, such as 3D printing and scanning, to document and replicate traditional crafts is becoming increasingly popular. These efforts are helping to ensure that these unique and beautiful crafts are preserved and revitalized for generations to come.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
"What are the main challenges facing the preservation and revitalization of traditional crafts in the Middle East?"

The main challenges facing the preservation and revitalization of traditional crafts in the Middle East include a lack of resources and funding, a lack of skilled artisans, traditional crafts being seen as outdated and old-fashioned, and the increasingly globalized market making it difficult to compete with mass-produced imports.