What are the different types of strangulation


Active member
I'm looking for some help understanding the different types of strangulation. I'm wondering if anyone has any insight or experience they could share about the topic. I'm trying to learn more about the various types of strangulation, such as manual strangulation, ligature strangulation, and asphyxiation strangulation. I'd love to hear from anyone who might have some knowledge to share about the different types of strangulation and their effects.


Staff member

Hanging is the most common form of strangulation. It is a form of asphyxiation caused by the suspension of a person's bodyweight with a ligature around the neck. The weight of the body puts pressure on the hyoid bone and the carotid arteries, resulting in a lack of oxygen and blood to the brain. In some cases, death can occur in minutes.


Choking is another form of strangulation. It involves blocking the airway with hands, arms, or other objects. This is a very dangerous form of asphyxiation, as it can cause irreparable damage to the trachea and lungs. In some cases, death can occur quickly.

Strangulation by Pressure

Strangulation by pressure is a form of strangulation that involves applying pressure to the neck with hands, arms, or other objects. This can cause a lack of oxygen and blood to the brain, and can also cause damage to the spinal cord. In some cases, death can occur quickly.

Strangulation by Compression

Strangulation by compression is a form of strangulation that involves applying pressure to the neck with hands, arms, or other objects. This can cause a lack of oxygen and blood to the brain, and can also cause damage to the spinal cord. In some cases, death can occur quickly.