What are the characteristics of a problem drinker


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I'm looking for help understanding the characteristics of a problem drinker. Can anyone please share their knowledge or experiences with me? I'm not sure what to look for and what might be signs that someone is drinking too much.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Signs and Symptoms of a Problem Drinker

Problem drinking is a form of alcohol abuse characterized by the frequent consumption of large amounts of alcohol. It can lead to a variety of physical, social, and psychological problems. Identifying the signs and symptoms of problem drinking can help individuals recognize the need for treatment.

Physical Symptoms

Physical symptoms associated with problem drinking can include:

• Slurred speech
• Impaired coordination
• Flushed face
• Nausea and vomiting
• Hangovers
• Blackouts
• Liver damage
• Seizures

Behavioral Symptoms

Behavioral symptoms associated with problem drinking can include:

• Neglecting responsibilities
• Alcohol cravings
• Loss of control with drinking
• Drinking in dangerous situations
• Lying or hiding drinking
• Social isolation
• Changes in friends

Psychological Symptoms

Psychological symptoms associated with problem drinking can include:

• Anxiety
• Depression
• Memory problems
• Mood swings
• Irritability
• Inability to concentrate
• Hallucinations
• Suicidal thoughts

If you or a loved one is experiencing any of the signs and symptoms of problem drinking, it is important to seek help. Treatment can help individuals address both the physical and mental health issues associated with problem drinking.


Active member
A problem drinker is someone whose drinking habits have become dysfunctional, leading to physical, mental, emotional, and social consequences. Problem drinkers often have difficulty controlling their drinking, and develop a pattern of drinking that is hazardous to their health and safety.

Common characteristics of problem drinkers include:

1. Compulsive drinking: This refers to a pattern of drinking that is difficult to control, even when the person is aware of the risks associated with their drinking. Problem drinkers often find it hard to stop drinking once they have started.

2. Loss of control: Problem drinkers often have difficulty controlling how much they drink, and may drink more than they intended to or more than is safe.

3. Tolerance: Problem drinkers often develop a tolerance to alcohol, meaning they need to drink more in order to feel the effects of the alcohol.

4. Physical dependence: Problem drinkers may become physically dependent on alcohol, which can lead to withdrawal symptoms if they try to stop or reduce their drinking.

5. Risky behaviors: Problem drinkers may engage in risky behaviors while drinking, such as driving while intoxicated, or engaging in unprotected sex.

6. Social consequences: Problem drinkers may find that their drinking affects their relationships with family and friends, and may lead to job loss or financial problems.

7. Unhealthy lifestyle: Problem drinkers often have an unhealthy lifestyle, which can include poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and lack of sleep.

If you or a loved one is struggling with problem drinking, it is important to seek help from a qualified professional. Treatment for problem drinking can include counseling, support groups, or medication-assisted treatment. With the right help, it is possible to break the cycle of problem drinking and lead a healthier, more fulfilling life.


Active member
Problem drinkers display a range of characteristic behaviors and mentalities. They usually have difficulty controlling their drinking, and often drink more than they intended or more than is considered safe. They may also try to hide their drinking from family and friends and become defensive when confronted. Problem drinkers often feel guilty or ashamed about drinking, yet continue to do so despite negative consequences. They may also experience cravings and withdrawal symptoms when they are not drinking. Additionally, problem drinkers often have difficulty focusing on tasks and developing healthy relationships.


Active member
A problem drinker is someone whose drinking habits have become dysfunctional, leading to physical, mental, emotional, and social consequences. Problem drinkers often have difficulty controlling their drinking, and develop a pattern of drinking that is hazardous to their health and safety.

Common characteristics of problem drinkers include:

1. Compulsive drinking: This refers to a pattern of drinking that is difficult to control, even when the person is aware of the risks associated with their drinking. Problem drinkers often find it hard to stop drinking once they have started.

2. Loss of control: Problem drinkers often have difficulty controlling how much they drink, and may drink more than they intended to or more than is safe.

3. Tolerance: Problem drinkers often develop a tolerance to alcohol, meaning they need to drink more in order to feel the effects of the alcohol.

4. Physical dependence: Problem drinkers may become physically dependent on alcohol, which can lead to withdrawal symptoms if they try to stop or reduce their drinking.

5. Risky behaviors: Problem drinkers may engage in risky behaviors while drinking, such as driving while intoxicated, or engaging in unprotected sex.

6. Social consequences: Problem drinkers may find that their drinking affects their relationships with family and friends, and may lead to job loss or financial problems.

7. Unhealthy lifestyle: Problem drinkers often have an unhealthy lifestyle, which can include poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and lack of sleep.

If you or a loved one is struggling with problem drinking, it is important to seek help from a qualified professional. Treatment for problem drinking can include counseling, support groups, or medication-assisted treatment. With the right help, it is possible to break the cycle of problem drinking and lead a healthier, more fulfilling life.


Active member
Problem drinkers may display a range of symptoms, including an inability to regulate their drinking, difficulty managing emotions, physical and psychological dependence on alcohol, neglect of responsibilities, and a need to drink more and more to achieve the same effect. They may also become increasingly isolated, have financial problems, and struggle with interpersonal relationships. Problem drinkers also tend to be secretive about their drinking and may deny or minimize the problem when confronted. Long-term, problem drinking can lead to serious health issues, including liver damage, heart issues, and certain types of cancer. Mental health issues may also arise, including depression and anxiety. It is important to seek help if you feel you may be a problem drinker, as it is often difficult to break the cycle without support.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Question: What are the characteristics of a problem drinker?

Answer: Problem drinkers may be characterized by a pattern of heavy drinking, difficulty cutting back on drinking, inability to fulfill responsibilities due to drinking, physical or psychological harm caused by drinking, and cravings or withdrawal symptoms when not drinking.