What are the cardinal features of asphyxial death


Active member
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some help with understanding the cardinal features of asphyxial death. Can anyone provide an explanation of what they are and why they are important? I understand that asphyxial death is a type of death caused by a lack of oxygen, but I'm not sure about the details.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Asphyxial death is a sudden death caused by the deprivation of oxygen and is a leading cause of mortality in many countries. Asphyxial death is usually caused by choking, strangulation, suffocation or a combination of these. The cardinal features of asphyxial death are the presence of petechiae, the signs of external trauma, the position of the body, and the presence of oxygen deprivation.

Petechiae are small, reddish-purple spots on the skin caused by the rupture of small blood vessels. They are one of the key features of asphyxial death, as they are indicative of the pressure put on the body due to the deprivation of oxygen. Petechiae are usually found on the face, neck, chest and back.

External Trauma
Another key sign of asphyxial death is the presence of external trauma. This can include marks on the neck or body, broken bones, and bruising. It is important to note that these signs of trauma may not be present in all cases of asphyxial death, but they are often present when a death is caused by strangulation or choking.

Position of the Body
The position of the body can also be indicative of asphyxial death. When a person has been strangled or choked, their body will usually be found in a slumped or slumped position.

Oxygen Deprivation
Finally, oxygen deprivation is one of the cardinal features of asphyxial death. Oxygen deprivation can be determined by an autopsy or other tests, and is usually caused by the blockage of the airway.

Asphyxial death is a leading cause of mortality in many countries, and is often caused by choking, strangulation, suffocation or a combination of these. The cardinal features of asphyxial death are the presence of petechiae, the signs of external trauma, the position of the body, and the presence of oxygen deprivation. It is important to note that these signs may not be present in all cases of asphyxial death, but they are often present when a death is caused by strangulation or choking.