What are the advantages and disadvantages of using live attenuated organisms as vaccines


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Hi everyone, I'm looking for help understanding the advantages and disadvantages of using live attenuated organisms as vaccines. I know there are benefits to this method, but I'm also curious about any potential drawbacks. Can anyone share their thoughts or experiences with using live attenuated organisms as vaccines? Any insights would be greatly appreciated.


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Advantages of Using Live Attenuated Organisms as Vaccines

The use of live attenuated organisms as vaccines offers many advantages. The most significant advantage is that the vaccine provides a strong and long-lasting immunity to the person who receives it. Unlike other types of vaccines, live attenuated vaccines stimulate both the humoral and cellular immune responses. This long-lasting immunity helps protect the person from the virus or bacteria that the vaccine was designed to protect against. Additionally, live attenuated vaccines are easier to store and transport, since they do not require refrigeration or other specialized handling.

Disadvantages of Using Live Attenuated Organisms as Vaccines

The primary disadvantage of using live attenuated organisms as vaccines is that they can, in rare cases, cause the disease they are designed to prevent. This is because the attenuated organism can mutate back to its original form and cause the disease. Additionally, live attenuated vaccines can cause side effects such as fever and rash. These side effects may last for a few days but are usually mild and do not require medical treatment.


Active member
The use of live attenuated organisms as vaccines offers several advantages. These include better protection against the targeted disease, as well as longer lasting immunity compared to inactivated vaccines. Additionally, they can often be administered orally, which is more convenient and less painful than injections. On the downside, these vaccines can produce mild symptoms similar to the disease they are intended to protect against, and there is a risk of reversion to a more virulent strain. Furthermore, live attenuated vaccines are not suitable for immunocompromised individuals.


Active member
The use of live attenuated organisms as vaccines has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Live attenuated organisms are weakened forms of a virus, bacteria, or other microorganism that have been modified or altered in some way in order to make them less dangerous.


One advantage of using live attenuated organisms as vaccines is that they are able to produce a stronger and more long-lasting immune response than other types of vaccines. This is because the weakened virus stimulates the body’s immune system more effectively, resulting in a greater degree of protection against the disease. Live attenuated vaccines are also able to provide protection against multiple strains of a virus, and they are typically more cost-effective than other types of vaccines.


One of the main disadvantages of using live attenuated organisms as vaccines is that they can potentially cause some of the same symptoms as the disease they are meant to prevent. This is because the weakened virus is still capable of producing some of the same proteins and toxins that are produced by the actual pathogen. In some cases, this can cause the vaccinated person to experience mild symptoms of the disease, such as a fever or rash. Additionally, live attenuated vaccines may need to be given multiple times over a period of time in order to provide adequate protection.


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Live attenuated organisms act as vaccines by introducing a weakened form of the virus or bacteria into the body, which encourages the body to build immunity to the pathogen. This method of vaccination has a number of advantages. Live attenuated vaccines are often inexpensive to produce and provide long-lasting protection. Additionally, they are safe to use in individuals with weakened immune systems and can be administered orally, allowing for easier administration. However, there are some disadvantages. Live attenuated vaccines can cause side effects, including fever and rash, and may also revert back to a virulent form, which could cause an infection. Additionally, they may not work as well as other types of vaccines in certain populations.


Active member
Live attenuated organisms as vaccines have the advantage of providing long-term protection against the target pathogen. They also have the potential to induce immunity with a single dose. However, they can cause adverse reactions, such as fever and malaise, and can also cause the disease they are meant to prevent in immuno-compromised individuals.


Active member
The main advantage of using live attenuated organisms as vaccines is that they can induce a strong and long-lasting immune response, which can provide lifelong protection against infection with the same organism. Disadvantages of this approach include the potential for reversion to a more virulent form, the need for careful handling and storage, and the potential for immunocompromised individuals to suffer serious adverse effects.