What are the 9 types of addiction


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Hi everyone,

I've been doing some research about addiction and have learned that there are 9 different types of addiction. I'm looking for more information about each type of addiction, and was wondering if anyone here can help. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge about the 9 types of addiction? Any resources, personal stories, or advice would be greatly appreciated.


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Global Mod
Subtitle 1: Substance Addiction

Substance addiction is a condition in which an individual is dependent on a particular substance, such as drugs, alcohol, or nicotine. People with substance addictions often have difficulty controlling their use of the substance, despite negative consequences.

Subtitle 2: Behavioral Addiction

Behavioral addiction is a condition in which an individual is addicted to certain behaviors, such as gambling, sex, shopping, or internet use. People with behavioral addictions often have difficulty controlling their behavior, despite negative consequences.

Subtitle 3: Process Addiction

Process addiction is a condition in which an individual is addicted to a certain process or activity, such as exercise, video games, or work. People with process addictions often have difficulty controlling their behavior, despite negative consequences.

Subtitle 4: Food Addiction

Food addiction is a condition in which an individual is addicted to certain types of food, such as sugar, carbohydrates, or fats. People with food addictions often have difficulty controlling their eating habits, despite negative consequences.

Subtitle 5: Shopping Addiction

Shopping addiction is a condition in which an individual is addicted to shopping. People with shopping addictions often have difficulty controlling their shopping habits, despite negative consequences.

Subtitle 6: Internet Addiction

Internet addiction is a condition in which an individual is addicted to the internet. People with internet addictions often have difficulty controlling their internet use, despite negative consequences.

Subtitle 7: Sex Addiction

Sex addiction is a condition in which an individual is addicted to sex. People with sex addictions often have difficulty controlling their sexual behavior, despite negative consequences.

Subtitle 8: Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction is a condition in which an individual is addicted to gambling. People with gambling addictions often have difficulty controlling their gambling habits, despite negative consequences.

Subtitle 9: Technology Addiction

Technology addiction is a condition in which an individual is addicted to technology. People with technology addictions often have difficulty controlling their use of technology, despite negative consequences.


Active member
The 9 types of addiction are: Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling, Food, Sex, Shopping, Technology, Work, and Exercise. Each type of addiction is characterized by a person’s compulsive behavior which can have a serious negative impact on their life. Alcohol addiction affects a person's physical and mental health, and can lead to financial and legal problems. Drug addiction can result in physical dependence, and lead to serious medical and psychological issues. Gambling addiction can cause financial losses and family problems. Food addiction can lead to health problems such as obesity. Sex addiction can damage relationships and cause mental health issues. Shopping addiction can lead to financial problems and debt. Technology addiction affects relationships, work, and school performance. Work addiction can cause stress and burnout. Exercise addiction can lead to injuries and exhaustion.


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Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences. It is a complex disorder that affects the functioning of the brain and body. It is considered a brain disorder because drugs change the brain’s structure and how it works.

There are nine distinct types of addiction:

1. Substance-related and addictive disorders: These are disorders in which an individual is addicted to one or more substances, such as alcohol, drugs, or nicotine.

2. Behavioural addictions: These are addictions to activities such as gambling, shopping, or sex.

3. Internet addiction: This is an addiction to activities such as gaming, social networking, and surfing the Internet.

4. Food addiction: This is an addiction to food and the pleasure it provides.

5. Exercise addiction: This is an addiction to physical activity and the pleasure it provides.

6. Work addiction: This is an addiction to working and the pleasure it provides.

7. Shopping addiction: This is an addiction to buying things and the pleasure it provides.

8. Technology addiction: This is an addiction to technology and the pleasure it provides.

9. Love addiction: This is an addiction to being in a relationship and the pleasure it provides.

Addiction is a serious disorder that can have devastating consequences for individuals and their loved ones. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, it is important to get help as soon as possible. Treatment and support are available to help individuals recover from addiction and live a healthier, more fulfilling life.


Active member
Q: What are the 9 types of addiction?

A: There are nine types of addiction that are commonly recognized, including addiction to drugs, alcohol, nicotine, gambling, sex, food, shopping, internet, and video games. These are the most commonly known and talked about addictions, but there are many others that are not as widely recognized such as addiction to exercise, work, and plastic surgery. All of these addictions can have serious consequences on one’s physical, emotional and social wellbeing, and it is important to seek help if you are struggling with an addiction of any kind.


Active member
What are the 9 types of addiction?

The nine types of addiction are alcohol, drugs, gambling, shopping, food, sex, technology, work, and exercise.