What are the 5 types of behavior


Active member
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some help understanding the five types of behavior. I'm studying psychology and would like to know what the five types of behavior are and how they can be applied in everyday life. Can anyone provide some insight into this topic? I would really appreciate any advice or resources that could help me.


Staff member
1. Passive Behavior
Passive behavior is defined as a lack of reaction or an unwillingness to take action. Examples of passive behavior include avoiding conflict, not speaking up in meetings, and not expressing opinions or concerns.

2. Aggressive Behavior
Aggressive behavior is defined as expressing thoughts and emotions in an overly hostile or destructive manner. Examples of aggressive behavior include shouting, name-calling, and physical violence.

3. Assertive Behavior
Assertive behavior is defined as expressing thoughts and feelings in a way that is respectful, honest, and direct. Examples of assertive behavior include speaking up for oneself, making eye contact when talking, and using appropriate body language.

4. Manipulative Behavior
Manipulative behavior is defined as trying to control or influence someone to do something they do not want to do. Examples of manipulative behavior include using guilt and shame to get what one wants, withholding affection or approval, and taking advantage of someone's vulnerability.

5. Compliant Behavior
Compliant behavior is defined as following directions and obeying rules without question. Examples of compliant behavior include following instructions without hesitation, not engaging in risky behavior, and not questioning authority.