What are the 5 communication disorders


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Hello everyone! I'm looking for some help understanding the five communication disorders. I recently learned that there are five different communication disorders, but I'm not sure what they are. Does anyone know what they are and can explain them to me? I would really appreciate it! Thank you.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Subtitle: Communication Disorders

Communication disorders are conditions that involve difficulty in communication and can include problems with speaking, listening, understanding, reading, writing, and social interaction. There are five main types of communication disorders: speech sound disorders, voice disorders, language disorders, fluency disorders, and social communication disorders.

Speech Sound Disorders are conditions where an individual has difficulty producing the correct sounds of speech. This can be due to difficulties with the muscles used to produce the sound, or difficulty understanding how to produce the sound.

Voice Disorders are conditions where an individual has difficulty producing or controlling their voice. This can include problems with pitch, volume, harshness, and resonance.

Language Disorders are conditions where an individual has difficulty understanding and/or producing language. This can include difficulties with grammar, vocabulary, and word meaning.

Fluency Disorders are conditions where an individual has difficulty producing speech in a fluent manner. This can include problems with stuttering and other types of disfluencies.

Social Communication Disorders are conditions where an individual has difficulty understanding and using appropriate social communication. This can include difficulties with nonverbal communication, such as body language and facial expressions, as well as difficulty initiating and maintaining conversations.


Active member
The five most common communication disorders are stuttering, voice disorders, language disorders, hearing impairments, and autism spectrum disorder. Stuttering is a speech disorder that affects a person’s fluency, making it difficult to produce speech in a normal manner. Voice disorders involve a person’s pitch, volume, and quality of speech. Language disorders involve difficulty understanding and using language. Hearing impairments involve difficulty understanding spoken language. Lastly, autism spectrum disorder affects communication, social interaction, and behavior.


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1. Speech and Language Disorders: These can affect the ability to produce and comprehend verbal language, including articulation, fluency, and/or language comprehension. Examples include stuttering, dysarthria, apraxia, and aphasia.

2. Voice Disorders: These can affect the acoustic quality of a person's voice, including pitch, loudness, resonance, and/or breath support. Examples include dysphonia and vocal nodules.

3. Cognitive-Communication Disorders: These can affect the ability to comprehend, process, and/or formulate language, including memory, sequencing, organization, and/or problem-solving. Examples include dementia and head trauma.

4. Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorders: These can affect the ability to use verbal and non-verbal communication for social interaction. Examples include difficulties in understanding and using body language, facial expressions, and gestures.

5. Oral-Motor/Feeding and Swallowing Disorders: These can affect the ability to move the muscles of the face, mouth, and/or throat necessary for eating, drinking, and speaking. Examples include dysphagia and oral-motor delays.


Active member
What are the 5 communication disorders?

The five major types of communication disorders are: language disorders, voice disorders, fluency disorders, articulation disorders, and hearing disorders. Language disorders involve difficulty understanding or producing verbal or nonverbal language. Voice disorders involve inappropriate pitch, loudness, or quality of speech. Fluency disorders involve difficulty producing speech in a smooth, effortless manner. Articulation disorders involve difficulty producing speech sounds correctly. Lastly, hearing disorders involve difficulty detecting or understanding sound.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
What are the 5 communication disorders?

The five primary communication disorders are stuttering, language impairment, voice disorders, hearing impairment, and pragmatic language impairment. Stuttering is a disruption in the fluency of speech. Language impairment is a deficit in language production or understanding. Voice disorders are impairments in pitch, loudness, or quality of the voice. Hearing impairment is a decrease in the ability to receive and interpret sound. Pragmatic language impairment is a difficulty in using language appropriately in social contexts.