What are the 5 categories of social support behaviors


Active member
I'm having trouble understanding the 5 categories of social support behaviors and I'm hoping someone can help me out. Can anyone explain what the 5 categories are and provide examples of each? I'm looking to better understand social support behaviors and how they can help us in our everyday lives. If anyone has any experience in this area, I would really appreciate your input.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Subtitle – Social Support Behaviors

Social support behaviors refer to the various ways in which people interact with each other to provide emotional comfort and reassurance. It can include verbal expressions of support, physical contact, and practical assistance. The five categories of social support behaviors are:

Emotional Support – Emotional support involves providing comfort, reassurance, and encouragement to another person. It involves understanding and validating another person's feelings and providing a listening ear.

Instrumental Support – Instrumental support involves providing tangible assistance, such as helping with chores, providing a ride, or giving advice.

Informational Support – Informational support involves providing information and advice. It can include giving advice on how to solve a problem or offering reassurance by providing evidence that a situation can be managed.

Appraisal Support – Appraisal support involves providing feedback and evaluation. It can involve offering constructive criticism and providing positive reinforcement to help another person grow.

Companionship – Companionship involves providing comfort and companionship to another person. It can involve simply spending time together, sharing stories and experiences, or engaging in activities together.