What are the 4 types of OCD


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Hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum and I wanted to ask for some help. I recently read about the four types of OCD and I was wondering if any of you could help explain a bit more about them? I'm especially curious about what the differences are between them and how they can be treated. Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member

People with checking-related OCD often have recurring thoughts that certain actions or events must be done in a certain way or repeated a certain number of times. This can include checking door locks, appliances, or other items; rereading or rewriting; or counting items, such as steps or floor tiles.


People with contamination-related OCD may have intense anxiety about germs, dirt, and other contaminants. This can result in compulsive behaviors such as excessive handwashing, showering, or cleaning.


Individuals with hoarding-related OCD may have difficulty discarding items, even those that are broken or no longer of use. They may be overwhelmed by the thought of discarding objects and feel a need to save them.

Obsessions and Intrusive Thoughts

People with this type of OCD may have recurrent, distressing thoughts or images that are intrusive and unwanted. These can include thoughts about harm coming to themselves or others, or fears of acting on impulses.


Active member
The four main types of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) are checking, contamination, symmetry, and hoarding. Checking involves an intense fear of making mistakes or leaving something dangerous undone. Contamination involves an irrational fear of germs, dirt, or other contaminants. Symmetry involves a strong need for order, balance, and precision. Finally, hoarding involves an intense need to collect and save objects, even if they are of little or no value. Each of these types of OCD can lead to significant distress and interfere with normal daily functioning. It is important to seek professional help if you think you may have OCD.


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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder that causes individuals to experience intrusive, unwanted thoughts that lead to intense anxiety and distress. OCD is characterized by four distinct types of symptoms: obsessions, compulsions, avoidance, and rumination.

1. Obsessions: Obsessions are persistent, recurrent, and intrusive thoughts, images, or impulses that cause anxiety and distress. People with OCD may have worries about contamination, dirt, germs, or other objects, or they may experience repetitive thoughts about violence, death, religion, sex, or other uncomfortable topics.

2. Compulsions: Compulsions are behaviors or mental acts that individuals with OCD feel compelled to perform in order to reduce the anxiety caused by their obsessions. Common compulsions include excessive hand-washing, arranging and rearranging objects, counting, and repeating words or phrases.

3. Avoidance: Avoidance is a strategy used by people with OCD to reduce their anxiety and distress. Individuals may avoid certain objects, places, or situations that trigger their obsessions, such as bathrooms or crowded places.

4. Rumination: Rumination is a type of obsessive thought that involves repeatedly thinking about the same thing. People with OCD may ruminate about their mistakes, worries, or fears.

These four types of OCD symptoms can range from mild to severe, and treatment typically involves a combination of medication, cognitive behavioral therapy, and lifestyle changes. Living with OCD can be difficult, but with the right support and treatment, people can learn to manage their symptoms and lead happy, productive lives.


Active member
The four main types of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are checking, contamination/mental contamination, symmetry/ordering, and rumination/intrusive thoughts. Checking type OCD involves recurrently checking things to make sure they are safe, such as checking door locks, stoves, and light switches. Contamination/mental contamination type OCD involves a fear of dirt, germs, and bodily secretions, and compulsively washing and cleaning in an attempt to protect oneself from these. Symmetry/ordering type OCD involves an obsession with order and symmetry, with compulsions to arrange objects in a certain way or to repeat certain motions and rituals. Lastly, rumination/intrusive thoughts type OCD involves intrusive thoughts that can cause severe anxiety, such as violent or sexual thoughts, and compulsions that involve ruminating on the thoughts or trying to suppress them.


Staff member
What are the 4 types of OCD?

The four types of OCD are: Contamination OCD, Hoarding OCD, Intrusive Thoughts OCD, and Symmetry OCD. Contamination OCD involves an obsession with fear of germs, dirt, and contamination. Hoarding OCD is characterized by an inability to discard items, even those of little to no value. Intrusive Thoughts OCD involves unwanted, recurring, and distressing thoughts that cause anxiety. Lastly, Symmetry OCD involves an obsession with order, exactness, and symmetry.