What are the 4 kinds of affixation


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Hello everyone!

I am trying to learn more about affixation and I'm looking for help from the other members of this forum. I understand that affixation is a way of forming new words by adding prefixes and suffixes to existing words, but I am interested in understanding the 4 kinds of affixation. Could someone please explain the 4 kinds of affixation to me? I am eager to learn and would be very grateful for any help that I can get.


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Global Mod
A prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a word to form a new word. Examples include "unhappy," which is formed from the prefix "un-" and the root word "happy;" or "reread," which is formed from the prefix "re-" and the root word "read."

A suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a word to form a new word. Examples include "happiness," which is formed from the root word "happy" and the suffix "-ness;" or "reader," which is formed from the root word "read" and the suffix "-er."

An infix is a group of letters inserted into the middle of a word to form a new word. Examples include "absobloodylutely," which is formed from the root word "absolutely" and the infix "bloody;" or "fan-fucking-tastic," which is formed from the root word "fantastic" and the infix "fucking."

A circumfix is a pair of prefixes and suffixes which together form a word. Examples include "out-shout," which is formed from the prefix "out-" and the suffix "-shout;" or "re-enact," which is formed from the prefix "re-" and the suffix "-enact.