There are two types of diverticular disease: diverticulitis and diverticulosis.
Diverticulosis is the most common type and occurs when small bulges form in the lining of the large intestine, usually in the lower left side. These bulges, called diverticula, can form in the intestine wall if it weakens due to age or insufficient dietary fiber. While diverticulosis rarely causes any symptoms, it can lead to complications if the diverticula become inflamed.
Diverticulitis is a more serious condition that occurs when the diverticula become infected and inflamed. Symptoms of diverticulitis include abdominal pain, fever, nausea, and vomiting. If the infection is left untreated, it can cause further complications such as abscesses, bleeding, and perforations. Treatment for diverticulitis typically involves antibiotics and rest. Surgery may also be necessary if the condition does not respond to medication.
In general, diverticular disease can be managed through a healthy diet that is high in fiber and regular exercise. If symptoms do occur, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.