What are the 2 most common allergens


Active member
Hello everyone! I'm looking for help understanding what the two most common allergens are. I know there are many different types of allergies, but what are the two that are most common? I'm hoping to get some input from other forum users about this topic. Any information or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for any help.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
What Are the Two Most Common Allergens?

Allergens are substances that trigger an allergic reaction in some people. The two most common allergens are pollen and dust.

Pollen is a powdery substance released by plants and trees when they flower. It is an airborne allergen, meaning it can be inhaled through the nose or mouth and can trigger an allergic reaction. Common symptoms of a pollen allergy include a runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes and throat, and difficulty breathing.

Dust is a combination of tiny particles that come from a variety of sources, including skin cells, pet dander, and fabric fibers. It is also an airborne allergen, and can trigger similar symptoms to those of a pollen allergy. Dust allergies are especially common in people who live in homes with carpeting, upholstered furniture, or stuffed animals.