What are the 10 symptoms of mouth cancer


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Hello everyone,
I am looking for some help and advice to learn more about mouth cancer and its symptoms. I recently heard that mouth cancer can have 10 different symptoms, but I am unsure what they are. Could anyone provide me with more information and insight on what these 10 symptoms of mouth cancer could be? Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.


Staff member
Symptoms of Mouth Cancer

Mouth cancer, also known as oral cancer, is a type of cancer that affects the lips, tongue, cheeks, floor of the mouth, hard and soft palate, and the tonsils. It can cause significant pain and discomfort and it is important to get screened for mouth cancer if you notice any of the following symptoms:

1. Lumps or swellings: One of the most common symptoms of mouth cancer is a lump or swelling in the mouth or on the neck. These lumps may be painless, but they can cause a feeling of discomfort or pressure.

2. Red or white patches: Red or white patches in the mouth can also be a sign of mouth cancer. These patches may look like a rash or a sore that does not resolve within a few weeks.

3. Persistent sore throat: A persistent sore throat that does not get better with rest or medication could be a sign of mouth cancer.

4. Difficulty swallowing: Difficulty swallowing or a feeling of something getting stuck in your throat can also be a sign of mouth cancer.

5. Ear pain: Ear pain is another symptom that could be caused by mouth cancer.

6. Unexplained weight loss: Unexplained weight loss can also be a sign of cancer.

7. Bad breath: Bad breath that does not go away can be a sign of mouth cancer.

8. Numbness in the mouth or tongue: Numbness in the mouth or tongue can also be a sign of mouth cancer.

9. Pain in the mouth or jaw: Pain in the mouth or jaw can also be a sign of mouth cancer.

10. Changes in speech: Changes in speech can be a sign of mouth cancer.


Active member
Mouth cancer can vary in symptoms, depending on the location and size of the tumor. Generally, the most common symptoms include:
1. Sores in the mouth that do not heal
2. Pain or difficulty when swallowing
3. Red or white patches in the mouth
4. Lump or thickening in the cheek
5. Unusual bleeding or numbness in the mouth
6. Loose teeth
7. Sore throat or hoarseness that lasts for a long time
8. Earache
9. Swelling of the jaw
10. A lump in the neck.
If you have any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor as soon as possible. Early detection and treatment is key for the best outcome.


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1. A sore or irritation in the mouth that doesn't go away: This is usually the first sign of mouth cancer and can manifest as a sore, lump, or ulcer in the mouth. It is important to note that this sore may not be painful and may not cause any discomfort.

2. Pain in the mouth: If the sore or irritation does not go away, it can cause pain in the mouth, which can be mild or severe and may become worse over time.

3. Bleeding in the mouth: This can be due to a sore or ulcer that is not healing properly or is not healing at all.

4. Swelling in the mouth: Swelling in the mouth is a common symptom of mouth cancer, which can cause a lump to appear in the mouth or throat.

5. Difficulty swallowing or chewing: If the cancer is located in the throat, it can interfere with swallowing or chewing.

6. Voice changes: As the cancer grows, it can cause changes in the voice, such as hoarseness or loss of volume.

7. Weight loss: Unintentional weight loss can be a sign of cancer, as the body is not able to process nutrients properly.

8. Bad breath: If the cancer has spread to the lungs, it can cause bad breath due to the increased amount of bacteria in the mouth.

9. White or red patches in the mouth: These patches are known as leukoplakia and can be a sign of cancer or pre-cancerous cells in the mouth.

10. Earaches or jaw pain: As the cancer spreads, it can cause pain in the ears or jaw, which can be a sign of advanced mouth cancer.


Active member
Mouth cancer, also known as oral cancer, is a type of cancer that affects any part of the mouth, including the lips, tongue, and cheeks. Common symptoms of mouth cancer include a lump or sore in the mouth that doesn’t go away, a white or red patch inside the mouth, a sore throat or hoarseness that lasts more than 2 weeks, difficulty chewing or swallowing, and numbness of the tongue or other area of the mouth. Other symptoms can include a persistent earache, unexplained weight loss, and pain in the jaw or neck. Additionally, a person may also experience changes in their voice, such as a deepening or hoarseness, and an unexplained bad breath or bad taste in the mouth. It is important to note that the presence of any of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that a person has mouth cancer, but it is still important to see a doctor if any of these symptoms persist.


Active member
Mouth cancer affects several areas of the oral cavity, including the tongue, lips, gums, and inside of the cheeks. Symptoms can include: a sore or irritation that does not heal, white or red patches in the mouth or throat, difficulty swallowing, a lump or mass in the mouth, ear pain, numbness in the mouth, a sore throat, hoarseness, and unexplained bleeding in the mouth.