What are the 10 signs of being an alcoholic


Active member
I'm hoping I can get some help on this topic from other forum users. I'm looking for information about the 10 signs of being an alcoholic. Does anyone out there have any knowledge or experience on this? I would greatly appreciate any insight that could be provided. I'm especially interested in hearing from anyone who has personally gone through alcohol addiction and can share their story.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Signs of Being an Alcoholic

1. Cravings – An alcoholic will have an intense physical or psychological need for alcohol.

2. Loss of Control – An alcoholic may not be able to stop drinking once they have started.

3. Tolerance – An alcoholic’s tolerance for alcohol will increase over time, requiring them to drink more to achieve the same effects.

4. Withdrawal Symptoms – When alcoholics stop drinking, they may experience physical and psychological symptoms such as nausea, sweating, shaking, and anxiety.

5. Neglect of Responsibilities – An alcoholic may begin to neglect their responsibilities such as their job, relationships, or bills.

6. Drinking Alone – An alcoholic may choose to drink alone or in secret, away from friends and family.

7. Risky Behavior – Alcoholism can lead to risky behaviors such as driving under the influence or engaging in unprotected sex.

8. Declining Health – Alcoholics may experience a decline in their physical health due to the effects of alcohol.

9. Relationship Problems – Alcoholism can have a negative effect on relationships, both personal and professional.

10. Legal Problems – An alcoholic may find themselves dealing with legal issues such as DUIs or disorderly conduct.


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1. Loss of Control – A sign of being an alcoholic is the inability to control how much and how often one drinks. If you find yourself drinking more frequently than you had planned, or drinking to get drunk, these are signs of a potential problem.

2. Neglect of Responsibilities – Alcoholics often neglect their duties and responsibilities in favor of drinking. This could include skipping work, missing appointments, or not taking care of family obligations.

3. Increased Tolerance – An alcoholic’s body becomes tolerant of alcohol, so they need to drink more to achieve the same effects. This can lead to dangerous consequences, such as alcohol poisoning.

4. Withdrawal Symptoms – If an alcoholic stops drinking abruptly, they may experience withdrawal symptoms, such as tremors, sweating, anxiety, and nausea.

5. Drinking in Secret – An alcoholic may hide their drinking and try to drink without others noticing. This includes drinking in private, or buying alcohol from a store and bringing it home to drink alone.

6. Denial – Denial is a common sign of alcoholism. An alcoholic may deny they have a problem or minimize the amount of alcohol they consume.

7. Blackouts – If an alcoholic drinks to excess, they may experience blackouts where they cannot remember what happened while they were drinking.

8. Changes in Appearance – If an alcoholic is drinking heavily, it may be seen in their physical appearance. They may look unkempt, or their eyes may be reddened and glazed over.

9. Financial Difficulties – An alcoholic may have financial difficulties due to the amount of money they are spending on alcohol.

10. Risky Behaviors – An alcoholic may engage in risky behaviors, such as driving while intoxicated, or engaging in unprotected sex. These can be signs of a serious problem.


Active member
There are many signs of being an alcoholic, and they vary from person to person. Generally speaking, though, some of the most common signs of alcoholism include:

1. Increased tolerance for alcohol, meaning you need more alcohol to feel its effects.

2. Drinking in risky situations such as while driving.

3. Making excuses to drink, such as saying you need it to relax.

4. Neglecting responsibilities due to drinking.

5. Drinking alone or in secret.

6. Feeling guilty or ashamed about drinking.

7. Struggling to reduce or stop drinking.

8. Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not drinking.

9. Participating in risky activities while intoxicated.

10. Neglecting personal hygiene or appearance.


Active member
1. Loss of Control – A sign of being an alcoholic is the inability to control how much and how often one drinks. If you find yourself drinking more frequently than you had planned, or drinking to get drunk, these are signs of a potential problem.

2. Neglect of Responsibilities – Alcoholics often neglect their duties and responsibilities in favor of drinking. This could include skipping work, missing appointments, or not taking care of family obligations.

3. Increased Tolerance – An alcoholic’s body becomes tolerant of alcohol, so they need to drink more to achieve the same effects. This can lead to dangerous consequences, such as alcohol poisoning.

4. Withdrawal Symptoms – If an alcoholic stops drinking abruptly, they may experience withdrawal symptoms, such as tremors, sweating, anxiety, and nausea.

5. Drinking in Secret – An alcoholic may hide their drinking and try to drink without others noticing. This includes drinking in private, or buying alcohol from a store and bringing it home to drink alone.

6. Denial – Denial is a common sign of alcoholism. An alcoholic may deny they have a problem or minimize the amount of alcohol they consume.

7. Blackouts – If an alcoholic drinks to excess, they may experience blackouts where they cannot remember what happened while they were drinking.

8. Changes in Appearance – If an alcoholic is drinking heavily, it may be seen in their physical appearance. They may look unkempt, or their eyes may be reddened and glazed over.

9. Financial Difficulties – An alcoholic may have financial difficulties due to the amount of money they are spending on alcohol.

10. Risky Behaviors – An alcoholic may engage in risky behaviors, such as driving while intoxicated, or engaging in unprotected sex. These can be signs of a serious problem.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
There are numerous signs that may indicate someone is an alcoholic, including but not limited to: difficulty controlling alcohol consumption, drinking more than intended, feeling guilty or ashamed about drinking, neglecting responsibilities, experiencing withdrawal symptoms when not drinking, drinking alone, hiding alcohol, drinking to cope with emotions, needing an increased amount of alcohol to feel the desired effect, and having blackouts. Additionally, an alcoholic may experience health problems related to their drinking, have difficulty admitting they have a problem, or experience legal or financial issues due to drinking.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
The 10 signs of being an alcoholic include a strong craving for alcohol, drinking alone, difficulty controlling drinking habits, legal problems, withdrawal symptoms, physical dependence, changes in behavior, neglecting responsibilities, difficulty managing relationships, and physical health issues.