What are the 10 most common signs of autism spectrum disorder ASD )


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Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum and I wanted to get some help from all of you. I am looking to find out more about autism spectrum disorder and I am interested in learning about the 10 most common signs associated with ASD. Does anyone have any experience with this or any information they can share? I would really appreciate it.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

1. Social communication deficits: This is one of the most common signs of ASD. People with ASD often have difficulty understanding social cues, making friends, and maintaining conversations. They may also have difficulty expressing their emotions and understanding others’ emotions.

2. Repetitive behaviors and interests: People with ASD often engage in repetitive behaviors such as rocking, spinning, hand-flapping, or repeating words or phrases. They may also have intense interests in specific topics or activities.

3. Sensory sensitivities: People with ASD may be overly sensitive or under-sensitive to certain sensory stimuli, such as loud noises, bright lights, or strong smells.

4. Difficulty with change: People with ASD may have difficulty adjusting to changes in routines or environments.

5. Delayed speech and language development: Many children with ASD experience a delay in language development and may have difficulty understanding and using language.

6. Poor eye contact: People with ASD may have difficulty making and maintaining eye contact.

7. Unusual play with toys and other objects: People with ASD may engage in unusual or repetitive play with toys and other objects, such as lining them up or spinning them.

8. Difficulty with social relationships: People with ASD may have difficulty interacting with peers and forming relationships.

9. Unusual reactions to sensory experiences: People with ASD may display unusual reactions to sensory experiences such as loud noises or bright lights.

10. Unusual body movements or posturing: People with ASD may display unusual body movements or posturing, such as rocking or flapping their hands.


Active member
The 10 most common signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are: 1) Social communication difficulties, 2) Repetitive behaviors and restricted interests, 3) Difficulty with changes in routine, 4) Sensory processing challenges, 5) Difficulty with social-emotional reciprocity, 6) Challenges with nonverbal communication, 7) Poor eye contact, 8) Difficulty with understanding and using gestures, 9) Poor motor coordination, and 10) Poor coordination of information from multiple sources. These signs can present in different ways and to different degrees, but if your child is displaying any of these signs, it is important to seek medical advice.


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1. Difficulty with Social Interactions: People with ASD have difficulty with social interactions, as they find it hard to understand and respond to social cues and nonverbal communication, such as facial expressions and body language. They may also have difficulty in understanding the feelings of others and forming meaningful relationships.

2. Repetitive Behaviors: Repetitive behaviors, such as hand-flapping or rocking, are often seen in individuals with ASD. These behaviors may help the person cope with stress or anxiety, but can also be disruptive in social settings.

3. Limited Interests: People with ASD may become fixated on certain objects or topics, and have a limited range of interests. This can lead to difficulty in participating in activities with others.

4. Sensory Sensitivities: Sensory sensitivities, such as being over- or under-sensitive to light, sound, or touch, are common in individuals with ASD. These sensitivities can cause the person to become easily overwhelmed in certain environments.

5. Language Impairments: People with ASD may have difficulty with communication and language. This can include trouble understanding what others are saying, difficulty expressing oneself, and speaking in a monotone voice.

6. Poor Eye Contact: Poor eye contact is common in people with ASD, as they may have difficulty making and maintaining eye contact during conversations.

7. Low Motor Skills: Low motor skills, such as difficulty with fine motor activities and clumsiness, are common signs of ASD.

8. Unusual Play: People with ASD may engage in unusual play, such as lining up toys instead of playing with them.

9. Avoidance of Change: People with ASD may have difficulty with changes in routine or environment, and may become anxious or overwhelmed when faced with new situations.

10. Unusual Reactions to Touch: People with ASD may have unusual reactions to being touched, such as flinching or becoming agitated.


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The most common signs of ASD can vary depending on the individual, but some of the most common signs include difficulty with social communication, difficulty with social interaction, restricted and repetitive behavior patterns, difficulty with nonverbal communication, sensory processing issues, anxiety, and difficulty adjusting to change. Other signs may include difficulty understanding abstract concepts, difficulty with problem solving, difficulty with motor skills, and difficulty with social imagination. It is important to remember that no two individuals with ASD will have exactly the same symptoms, so it is important to seek professional help to properly diagnose ASD and create an individualized treatment plan.


Active member
Signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can vary from person to person, but the most common signs include difficulty with communication and social interaction, repetitive behaviors, restricted interests, sensory sensitivities, and difficulty with changes in routine. Other signs may include difficulty with motor skills, speech and language delays, and difficulty with social cues and nonverbal communication.