What are the 10 golden rules of first aid


Active member
Hello everyone! I'm hoping someone can help me with a question I have about first aid. Does anyone know the 10 golden rules of first aid? I'm looking for the general principles for providing first aid, but I'm not sure where to find them. If anyone has any experience with this type of thing, I'd really appreciate your help.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
1. Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

The most important thing you can do when faced with an emergency medical situation is to remain calm and assess the situation. Take a few moments to determine the extent of the injury or illness and the best way to proceed.

2. Call for Help

If the situation warrants it, be sure to call for medical help. It is better to err on the side of caution and call 911 or your local emergency number for help. If the emergency is not life-threatening, you can call the doctor or hospital for advice.

3. Protect Yourself and the Victim

Take steps to make sure that you and the victim are in a safe environment. If there is a risk of further injury or illness, move the victim to a safe place.

4. Check for Responsiveness

If the victim is unresponsive, tap their shoulder and ask if they are okay. If there is no response, open the airway by gently tilting the head back and lifting the chin.

5. Check for Breathing

Check for normal breathing by looking, listening, and feeling for breath on the victim's mouth and nose. If the victim is not breathing normally, begin rescue breathing or CPR.

6. Stop Bleeding

If the victim is bleeding, apply pressure to the wound with a clean cloth or gauze pad. If necessary, use a tourniquet to stop bleeding from a limb.

7. Treat for Shock

If the victim is in shock, keep them warm and still. Elevate the legs slightly and cover the victim with a blanket or coat if possible.

8. Treat for Pain

If the victim is in pain, give them comfort measures such as a pillow or blanket. If necessary, provide over-the-counter pain relief such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

9. Observe the Victim

Monitor the victim closely for any changes in their condition. If their condition worsens, call for medical help immediately.

10. Document the Incident

If possible, document the incident with notes or pictures. This can help medical personnel to better assess the victim's condition and determine the best course of treatment.