What are synonyms for asphyxiation in English


Active member
I'm looking for some help with finding synonyms for the term 'asphyxiation' in English. Does anyone here have any suggestions? I'm trying to find a few words that could be used to describe the experience of being deprived of oxygen, but I'm not having much luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Synonyms for Asphyxiation:


Suffocation is the inability to breathe adequately due to an obstruction of the airways or lack of oxygen. It is a form of asphyxiation and is often fatal.


Strangulation is the act of compressing a person's neck with external force, preventing the flow of oxygen and blood to the brain. It is a form of asphyxiation and can be deadly.


Choking is the act of blocking a person's airway with an external force, preventing the flow of oxygen and blood to the brain. It is a form of asphyxiation and can be fatal.


Smothering is the act of blocking a person's airway with an external force, preventing the flow of oxygen and blood to the brain. It is a form of asphyxiation and can be deadly.