What are people who behave in a way that is contrary to accepted social norms


Active member
I'm having trouble understanding people who behave in a way that is contrary to accepted social norms. Can anyone help me out here? What exactly are these people called? What kind of behavior do they exhibit? Are there any resources that can help me better understand this? Any advice or insight is appreciated.


Staff member

Deviance is a term used to describe behavior that is considered to be outside of the accepted social norms. People who exhibit deviant behavior may be seen as strange, unorthodox or even dangerous by society. Deviance can cover a range of behaviors, from minor transgressions such as using a swear word to more serious offenses like theft or even murder. It is important to note that what is considered deviant behavior varies from culture to culture and even within cultures, as social norms change over time.

Causes of Deviance

The causes of deviant behavior are complex and varied, and can include biological, psychological, social and environmental factors. For example, some researchers believe that certain biological or genetic factors can make someone more likely to engage in deviant behavior. Others suggest that deviance is a result of psychological issues such as mental illness or trauma. Social factors such as poverty, discrimination and social exclusion can also play a role in deviant behavior, as can environmental factors such as peer pressure or access to drugs or alcohol.

Consequences of Deviance

The consequences of deviance can be far-reaching, depending on the type and severity of the behavior. In some cases, those who engage in deviant behavior may face criminal charges or be subject to social sanctions. Deviant behavior can also have a negative impact on the individual, leading to a range of physical and mental health problems. It can also lead to social stigma, making it difficult for the individual to form meaningful relationships or find employment.

Preventing Deviance

There is no guaranteed way to prevent deviance, but there are a number of strategies that can help to reduce the chances of it occurring. These include providing access to education and employment opportunities, as well as creating safe and supportive environments in schools and communities. It is also important to address the underlying causes of deviance, such as poverty, discrimination and mental health problems. Finally, it is important to ensure that those who engage in deviant behavior are held accountable for their actions and receive appropriate sanctions.