Common accommodations for migraines can be varied and depend on the individual and their needs. Generally, accommodations may include physical modifications to the environment, a flexible work schedule, and adjustments to the types of tasks that are assigned.
Physical modifications to the environment can include things like making sure the office is well lit, avoiding bright or flashing lights, providing comfortable furniture, and making sure the work area is comfortable and free of noise and strong odors.
A flexible work schedule can be beneficial for those with migraines, as they can adjust their work hours to suit their needs. This could include taking breaks throughout the day, working from home when needed, and being able to take time off when needed.
Adjustments to the types of tasks that are assigned can also be helpful. This could include avoiding tasks that require long hours of staring at a computer screen, or tasks that involve loud or bright environments. For those who are prone to migraines, it can be helpful to avoid tasks that require a lot of stress or focus.
Overall, the most important thing is to make sure the person with migraines has the accommodations they need to be successful in the workplace. It is important to remember that everyone’s needs are different, so it is important to work with the individual to ensure they have the support they need.