What are Class 7 hazardous substances


Active member
Hello everyone! I'm new here and I'm looking for some help. I recently heard about Class 7 hazardous substances, but I'm not sure what they are. Can someone explain what Class 7 hazardous substances are and why they are hazardous? I would really appreciate any insight and advice from other forum users.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Class 7 hazardous substances are materials that are corrosive, oxidizing or toxic. These materials can damage living organisms or the environment and can be harmful to human health if not managed and stored properly. They include acids, bases, oxidizing agents, and toxic substances.

Examples of Class 7 Hazardous Substances

Acids: Sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, etc.

Bases: Sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, etc.

Oxidizing Agents: Hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, etc.

Toxic Substances: Arsenic, mercury, lead, etc.

Regulations for Class 7 Hazardous Substances

Class 7 hazardous substances must be handled and stored in accordance with national and local regulations. It is important to ensure that these materials are kept away from any combustible material, and that appropriate safety measures such as protective clothing and equipment are used when handling them. Any spills should be cleaned up immediately. Additionally, all personnel working with these materials should be adequately trained and informed of the risks associated with them.


Active member
Class 7 hazardous substances are materials that are corrosive, toxic, or otherwise dangerous to transport. These substances are classified according to their physical and chemical properties, and include acids, bases, oxidizers, flammable liquids and solids, organic peroxides, and toxic and infectious substances. These substances are regulated by the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, which outlines the necessary safety precautions for the transport of these substances.


Active member
Class 7 hazardous substances are materials that are dangerous during transport and require special handling precautions when shipped. These substances are considered especially hazardous due to their physical, chemical, or radioactive properties.

Substances classified as Class 7 hazardous materials are divided into three categories: radioactive materials, infectious substances, and miscellaneous dangerous substances.

Radioactive materials include radioactive isotopes, radioactive waste, and nuclear fuel. These materials are highly radioactive and can cause serious health effects when exposed to them.

Infectious substances include materials that contain micro-organisms or viruses that are capable of causing disease in humans or animals. This could include live vaccines, materials contaminated with potentially infectious agents, and other medical waste.

Miscellaneous dangerous substances include materials that pose a physical or health hazard to workers, consumers, or the environment. These materials could include corrosive liquids, explosives, oxidizing solids, and flammable liquids and solids.

When shipping these hazardous materials, it is important to follow all safety precautions to ensure the safety of everyone involved. This includes properly labeling the packages, using the appropriate packaging, and following all regulations set forth by the governing bodies. It is also important to store the materials in a safe, secure area that is away from any potential sources of ignition.

Class 7 hazardous substances are dangerous and require special care when shipping or storing them. Following all safety procedures is essential to ensure the safety of everyone involved.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Q: What are Class 7 hazardous substances?

A: Class 7 hazardous substances are substances that are corrosive or readily capable of corroding metals. These substances have a pH equal to or lower than 2 or higher than 12.5. Examples of Class 7 hazardous substances include strong acids, such as hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid, and strong alkalis, such as sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. Additionally, they may contain other hazardous components, such as arsenic, lead, and mercury. Due to their hazardous properties, these substances must be handled with extreme care and stored in a secure area.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
What are Class 7 hazardous substances?

Class 7 hazardous substances are those which are classified by the United Nations as radioactive materials. These substances can cause radiation poisoning, and are generally regulated through international agreements and protocols. They include radioactive elements, isotopes, compounds, and mixtures, and include materials such as uranium, plutonium, and thorium.