What are 5 things that trigger asthma


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Hello everyone,

I am looking for help with understanding what are the five most common triggers of asthma. I have been managing my asthma for many years, but I have become increasingly interested in learning about what could potentially trigger an asthma attack. I have heard of some common triggers such as dust, pollen, mites and smoke, but I am hoping to get some more specific information from the forum users.


Global Mod
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Global Mod

Pollen is a common asthma trigger, especially during the spring and summer months. Pollen is released by trees, grasses, and weeds and is carried by the wind from these plants to other areas. When pollen is inhaled, it can cause an asthma attack in people who suffer from allergies to it.

Dust Mites

Dust mites are microscopic organisms that thrive in warm, humid environments. They are often found in bedding, carpets, and furniture. When these mites are inhaled, they can cause an asthma attack in people who are allergic to them.

Cigarette Smoke

Cigarette smoke is a major asthma trigger. The smoke contains hundreds of chemicals, many of which are known to cause asthma attacks. Inhaling secondhand smoke can be especially dangerous for people with asthma, as it can cause an attack even if the person is not smoking.


Mold is a type of fungus that grows in damp, dark areas and can cause an asthma attack when it is inhaled. Common areas where mold can be found include bathrooms, basements, and kitchens.


Pets, especially cats, can be a major trigger of asthma attacks. The fur of animals, as well as the saliva and dander they produce, can all cause an asthma attack in people who are allergic to them.


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Asthma can be triggered by a variety of things, including environmental factors, allergens, and even certain medications. The most common triggers are:

1. Exposure to environmental irritants or allergens, such as dust, pet dander, pollen, and smoke.

2. Cold air, exercise, or physical activity.

3. Emotional stress or anxiety.

4. Certain medications, such as aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

5. Respiratory infections, such as the common cold or flu.

It is important to identify your specific triggers and take steps to avoid them, as well as follow your doctor's instructions for managing your asthma.


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1. Allergies: Allergens such as dust, pollen, pet dander, and mold are common triggers for asthma attacks. People with allergies may have a more severe reaction to these triggers and be more likely to experience an asthma attack.

2. Respiratory Infections: Viral respiratory infections such as colds, the flu, and even sinus infections can trigger asthma attacks. It is important to take extra precautions during cold and flu season.

3. Air Pollutants: Air pollutants such as smoke, smog, and other chemicals can cause inflammation in the airways of people with asthma.

4. Exercise: Exercise-induced asthma is a type of asthma triggered by physical activity. Symptoms may include chest tightness, coughing, and wheezing.

5. Stress: Emotional stress can trigger an asthma attack in some people, especially if they also have allergies or a respiratory infection. It is important to manage stress levels and find healthy coping strategies.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Q: What are 5 things that trigger asthma?

A: The five most common triggers for asthma are allergens, exercise, respiratory infections, irritants, and changes in weather. Allergens such as dust mites, pollen, mold, and pet dander can trigger asthma symptoms. Exercise-induced asthma can be triggered by intense physical activity. Respiratory infections, including the common cold, can cause inflammation in the airways and worsen asthma. Irritants in the air such as smoke, strong odors, and chemical fumes can cause asthma flare-ups. Lastly, changes in weather can cause asthma symptoms to worsen, especially during cold, dry, or humid days.


Staff member
Q: What are 5 things that trigger asthma?

A: Asthma triggers can vary from person to person, but some common triggers include dust, pollen, pet dander, smoke, and cold air. Other potential triggers include exercise, mold, strong odors, air pollution, and certain medications.