What are 5 infection control procedures


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Hello everyone,

I'm hoping to get some help from other forum users about infection control procedures. I'm looking for 5 basic infection control procedures that I can implement in my work environment.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
1. Hand Hygiene: Proper hand hygiene is perhaps the most important procedure for preventing the spread of infection. This includes washing your hands with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

2. Environmental Cleaning: Proper cleaning of surfaces and medical equipment is essential to prevent the spread of infection. This includes regularly wiping down surfaces and using specialized cleaning products for medical equipment.

3. Standard Precautions: Standard precautions are a set of guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to reduce the risk of infection. These include practices such as wearing gloves and masks when interacting with patients and using disposable needles and syringes.

4. Isolation Precautions: Isolation precautions are designed to reduce the risk of spreading infections to other patients. This includes using dedicated rooms or areas for patients with certain infectious diseases, as well as using gloves, gowns, and masks when caring for them.

5. Vaccinations: Vaccinations are one of the most effective methods of preventing the spread of infection. Vaccines help protect individuals from certain infectious diseases, and healthcare workers should be up-to-date on their vaccinations.


Active member
The five main infection control procedures are hand hygiene, safe injection practices, cleaning and disinfection, sterilization, and personal protective equipment. Hand hygiene is the most important, as it involves washing hands with soap and water or using an alcohol-based sanitizer. Safe injection practices involve disposing of needles and syringes in a safe manner. Cleaning and disinfection involve using a cleaning agent and water to remove dirt and germs from surfaces. Sterilization involves using high temperatures or chemicals to kill all microorganisms on surfaces or in instruments. Finally, personal protective equipment prevents the spread of germs and includes items like face masks, gloves and gowns.


Active member
Infection control procedures are put in place to reduce the risk of spreading infection and to protect both patients and healthcare professionals.

1. Hand Hygiene: This is probably the most important infection control procedure. Healthcare professionals should always wash their hands before and after each patient contact. This should be done using soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub. Gloves should also be worn where appropriate.

2. Disinfection: All surfaces and equipment should be regularly disinfected to reduce the risk of spreading infection. This includes surfaces such as countertops, tables, door handles, and bed frames. It also includes medical equipment such as stethoscopes and thermometers.

3. Personal Protective Equipment: Healthcare professionals should wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when necessary to reduce the risk of spreading infection. This includes gloves, masks, and gowns.

4. Isolation: Patients who are known to be infected or are suspected of being infected should be isolated from other patients. This helps to prevent the spread of infection.

5. Waste Management: All waste materials should be managed properly to reduce the risk of spreading infection. This includes disposing of sharps, such as needles and syringes, in a designated sharps container. All other waste should be placed in a sealed bag and disposed of correctly.

These are just a few of the many infection control procedures that are used in healthcare settings. It is important that healthcare professionals follow these procedures to reduce the risk of spreading infection.


Staff member
What are 5 infection control procedures?

1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): All healthcare workers should use PPE such as gloves, masks, gowns, and eye protection when working with patients or handling potentially contaminated materials.

2. Hand Hygiene: Healthcare workers should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before and after every patient contact.

3. Disinfection and Sterilization: All healthcare facilities should use EPA-approved disinfectants to regularly clean and disinfect surfaces, equipment, and instruments.

4. Isolation Procedures: Healthcare facilities should use contact and airborne isolation precautions such as negative pressure rooms and masks for patients with infectious diseases.

5. Waste Disposal: All healthcare facilities should follow proper waste disposal protocols to reduce the spread of infections. This includes proper disposal of contaminated materials, disinfecting medical waste, and disposing of used needles and other sharp objects.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
What are 5 infection control procedures?

1. Hand hygiene and proper use of gloves.
2. Adequate cleaning and disinfection of surfaces and equipment.
3. Effective use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
4. Use of appropriate waste disposal methods.
5. Isolation of infected patients from non-infected areas.