Genetic factors are those traits that are passed down from generation to generation through the genetic material of a parent to their offspring. Here are five examples:
1. Hair Color – Hair color is determined by the genetic code a person inherits from their parents. It is possible to have a variety of hair colors, from dark brown, to red, to blonde, to even white.
2. Eye Color – Eye color is also determined by the genetic code a person inherits from their parents. It is possible to have a variety of eye colors, from blue, to green, to brown, to even hazel.
3. Height – Height is determined by the genetic code a person inherits from their parents. It is possible to have a variety of heights, from tall, to average, to short.
4. Skin Color – Skin color is determined by the genetic code a person inherits from their parents. It is possible to have a variety of skin colors, from pale white, to light brown, to dark brown, to even black.
5. Disease Risk – Disease risk is determined by the genetic code a person inherits from their parents. It is possible to have a variety of diseases, from cancer, to heart disease, to diabetes, to even Alzheimer’s.