What age does eye cancer start


Active member
Hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum and I'm looking for some help regarding eye cancer. I'm wondering what age does eye cancer typically start? I know there are different types of eye cancer, but I'm really interested to know the average onset age and any other factors that could affect it.

I'm sure there are some people here who have experience in this area and I would really appreciate any help or advice.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
What Is Eye Cancer?

Eye cancer, also known as ocular oncology, is a type of cancer that affects the eye or its surrounding components. It is a rare form of cancer that can affect the eyelid, conjunctiva, uvea, orbit or optic nerve.

What Are The Symptoms of Eye Cancer?

The most common symptom of eye cancer is a lump or tumor on the eye or eyelid. Other symptoms may include:

• Blurry vision

• Double vision

• Pain in the eye

• Swelling of the eyelid

• Redness of the eye

• Loss of vision

• Unexplained tears

• Unexplained flashes of light

What Age Does Eye Cancer Start?

Eye cancer can affect people of any age, but it is most common in adults over the age of 50. It is also more common in men than women.


Active member
Eye cancer is very rare and can start at any age. However, the most common type of eye cancer, intraocular melanoma, usually occurs in people over 50 years old. Other eye cancers, such as retinoblastoma, are more likely to occur in children and young adults. It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of eye cancer, which can include vision changes, a dark spot on the iris, flashes of light, and redness or swelling of the eye. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor immediately.


Active member
Eye cancer is a rare form of cancer, and can occur at any age. However, the most common form of eye cancer, uveal melanoma, is most likely to develop in adults between the ages of 50 and 70. Uveal melanomas are almost always benign, however, they can be aggressive and require immediate treatment. Other forms of eye cancer, such as retinoblastoma, are more likely to develop in children, typically before the age of 5. It is important to note that early diagnosis and treatment is key to improving the prognosis of eye cancer.


Active member
Eye cancer, also known as ocular oncology, is a rare form of cancer that affects the eyes, and can occur in both adults and children. The most common type of eye cancer is uveal melanoma, which affects the uveal tract of the eye and is most commonly found in adults ages 50-70.

In rare cases, eye cancer can develop in children, with the most common type being retinoblastoma. This type of cancer typically develops in young children before the age of 5. Other rare forms of eye cancer, such as ocular lymphoma and intraocular melanoma, can also occur in children, although they are much less common.

It is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of eye cancer, as early diagnosis and treatment can significantly increase the chances of successful outcomes. Common symptoms include vision changes, changes in the size or shape of the pupils, and vision loss. If any of these symptoms are present, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.


Active member
Eye cancer can occur in both children and adults, but it is most common in adults over the age of 60. The most common type of eye cancer is uveal melanoma, which is a malignant tumor that affects the eye’s uveal tract. This type of cancer is typically diagnosed in adults between the ages of 50 and 70. Retinoblastoma, a rare form of eye cancer, occurs mainly in children under the age of 5. Other types of eye cancer, such as retinoblastoma and melanoma, can occur at any age, although they are rare. It is important to note that early detection and treatment of eye cancer can significantly improve the outcome. Therefore, it is important to be aware of any changes in vision or unusual symptoms, even in children.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Eye cancer can occur at any age, although it is most commonly seen in adults aged 55 and older. In rare cases, it can occur in children and young adults, usually caused by a genetic disorder or an inherited mutation. Treatment options vary depending on the type of cancer, the age of the patient, and the stage of the disease.