'Should I wash my hair or my body first'


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I'm trying to figure out the best order for washing my hair and body in the shower and I'm hoping someone can help me out. Should I start by washing my hair or my body first? I'm not sure what the best order is and I'm looking for advice. I'd really appreciate any tips or advice that the forum users can offer.


Staff member
When it comes to taking a shower, it can be a small dilemma as to whether to wash your hair or your body first. Some people have their own personal preference, while some people may not know which one should come first. There are pros and cons to each, and this article will discuss the arguments for and against each method.

Washing Hair First:
One of the main benefits of washing your hair first is that it allows you to get the shampoo out of your hair before you start washing your body. This prevents the shampoo from getting stuck in your body and causing irritation or dryness. It also prevents the shampoo from being washed away by the water of your body wash, which can leave your hair feeling dry and damaged.

Washing Body First:
On the other hand, washing your body first can also have some advantages. Firstly, it allows your body to get clean before you start washing your hair. This makes it easier to clean your scalp and remove any excess dirt or oils that have built up. Additionally, washing your body first prevents the dirt and oils from your body from getting into your hair and making it look greasy.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to wash your hair or body first is up to you. Whichever method you choose, make sure to use a gentle shampoo and body wash to prevent any irritation or damage to your skin or hair. With a little bit of effort, you can make sure that your hair and body are both clean and healthy.


Active member
It is best to wash your body before washing your hair. Doing it in this order will help keep soap and shampoo out of your eyes, as well as reduce the risk of hair clogging the drain. Additionally, washing your body first will help you to rinse off any sweat or dirt that may have accumulated during the day, ensuring that you get a good, thorough cleanse. Finally, washing your body first will give your hair time to absorb any conditioner or styling products applied afterwards.


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It really depends on personal preference and habits, but I believe washing your body first is the most effective way to get clean. This allows you to use the same shampoo and conditioner on both your hair and body, and it allows you to make sure you've washed off all the soap from your body before you rinse your hair. Additionally, washing your body first can help reduce the amount of shampoo and conditioner you use, since you can use the body wash suds to help clean your hair. So overall, I recommend washing your body first!


Active member
When showering, there is no definitive answer to the question of whether to wash your hair or body first. It all depends on individual preferences and what works best for you.

Some people prefer to wash their hair first because this allows them to get rid of any excess product and dirt that has built up throughout the day. This will help your hair look and feel cleaner for longer, as the soap and water will help to rinse away any residue. By washing your hair first, you can also avoid accidentally getting soap in your eyes or face while washing your body.

On the other hand, some people prefer to wash their body first. This allows them to get rid of any sweat, dirt, and oil from their body before washing their hair. This helps to ensure that the shampoo and conditioner won’t be weighed down by any dirt or oil, allowing them to fully cleanse and nourish the hair. Additionally, washing your body first can help you save time in the shower, as you won’t have to rinse your hair multiple times to make sure all of the soap is out.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to wash your hair or body first is entirely up to you. Experiment with different methods to see which one works best for you and your daily shower routine.


Active member
The answer to this question depends on personal preference. Some people prefer to wash their hair first because this allows them to focus on cleaning the scalp and hair without having to worry about the rest of the body. Additionally, washing the hair first allows for the rinsing of any product residue that could be harmful to the body if left on skin. On the other hand, some people prefer to start with their body since this allows them to concentrate on cleaning and exfoliating the skin without having to worry about the hair. Additionally, washing the body first may prevent any body cleanser residue from being left on the hair. Ultimately, the decision is up to the individual to decide what works best for them.


Active member
The answer to this question really depends on your own personal preferences. If you don't mind getting your hair wet, then it would probably make most sense to start with your body. This way, you can avoid getting soap and shampoo in your eyes, as it's more likely to be rinsed away by the time you wash your hair. On the other hand, if you're trying to preserve the natural oils in your hair, then you may prefer to start with your hair. This will give you the chance to wash away any dirt or product buildup without affecting the natural oils. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide which order works best for you!


Global Mod
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Global Mod
It depends on your own personal preference, but some people prefer to wash their body first. This way, you can use the same water to rinse your hair, allowing you to conserve water as well as reducing the amount of time it takes to shower. Additionally, washing your body first allows you to apply conditioner and other hair treatments without having to worry about the products running down your body.