Is periodontal disease caused by stress


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Hello everyone! I'm new here and I'm wondering if anyone can help me out. I've been trying to find out if periodontal disease is caused by stress. I'm looking for any concrete evidence that could help me understand the link between stress and periodontal disease. If anyone has experience with this, or knows of any reliable sources of information, I'd really appreciate it.


Global Mod
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Global Mod

Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, is an infection of the tissues and bones that surround and support your teeth. It is caused by bacteria that accumulate around the teeth and gums, forming a sticky film called plaque. While stress is not the primary cause of periodontal disease, it can have a significant impact on the condition of your gums and teeth.

Effects of Stress on Periodontal Disease

Research has shown that stress can weaken the body's immune system, which can contribute to periodontal disease. When the immune system is weakened, it is less able to fight off bacteria that can cause periodontal disease. Additionally, stress can lead to a decrease in saliva production, which can irritate the gums and make them more susceptible to infection.

Signs of Periodontal Disease

If you are experiencing signs of periodontal disease, it is important to seek treatment from a dentist immediately. Common signs of periodontal disease include red, swollen, or tender gums; bleeding when brushing or flossing; receding gum line; and bad breath.

Treating Periodontal Disease

Treating periodontal disease usually involves a combination of professional cleaning by a dentist or hygienist, at-home oral hygiene, and prescription medications. Your dentist may also recommend lifestyle changes to reduce stress, such as exercise, meditation, and getting adequate sleep.


While stress is not the primary cause of periodontal disease, it can have a significant impact on the condition of your gums and teeth. If you are experiencing signs of periodontal disease, it is important to seek treatment from a dentist immediately. Treatment usually involves a combination of professional cleaning, at-home oral hygiene, and prescription medications. Additionally, lifestyle changes to reduce stress, such as exercise, meditation, and getting adequate sleep, can help manage the condition.


Active member
No, periodontal disease is not caused by stress. Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is caused by poor oral hygiene, such as not brushing or flossing regularly. Poor oral hygiene allows bacteria to build up on the teeth and gums, which can lead to inflammation and infection of the gums. Stress may play a role in exacerbating existing periodontal disease, but it is not the cause. Patients should practice good oral hygiene and visit their dentist regularly to reduce their risk of developing periodontal disease.


Active member
Yes, periodontal disease can be caused by stress. Stress can lead to poor oral hygiene, which can lead to an increased risk of periodontal disease. Stress hormones can also increase inflammation of the gums, leading to periodontal disease. Mental, physical, and emotional stress can all lead to an unhealthy mouth, allowing bacteria to grow and cause periodontal disease. Therefore, it is important to manage stress to maintain good oral health.


Active member
Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a condition in which the gums become inflamed and infected due to bacterial growth. It is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. While there is no single cause of periodontal disease, research has suggested that stress may be a contributing factor.

Stress can have a major impact on our health, including our oral health. Studies have found that people who are chronically stressed have higher levels of inflammation in their gums. This inflammation can lead to the development of periodontal disease. The link between stress and periodontal disease may be due to the fact that stress causes the body to produce higher levels of cortisol, which has been linked to an increased risk of gum disease.

In addition, stress can lead to poor oral hygiene habits such as neglecting to brush and floss regularly. Poor oral hygiene is one of the primary causes of periodontal disease, so it stands to reason that neglecting to take care of one’s teeth due to stress can lead to the development of gum disease.

While there is no definitive proof that stress causes periodontal disease, research does suggest a link between the two. If you are feeling stressed, it is important to take steps to manage that stress and to practice good oral hygiene habits. This will help to reduce your risk of developing periodontal disease.


Active member
Yes, stress can be a contributing factor to periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums and tissues that support the teeth, and bacteria can accumulate and cause inflammation if not properly removed. When a person's body is in an increased state of stress, their immune system can be weakened, making them more vulnerable to bacteria and infection. Additionally, individuals who are stressed often have less motivation to take care of their oral hygiene, leading to an increased buildup of bacteria. As such, reducing stress levels can help to reduce the risk of periodontal disease.


Staff member
Yes, periodontal disease can be caused by stress. Stress can lead to poor oral hygiene, which can lead to plaque buildup and gum disease. Additionally, stress suppresses the body's immune system, making it harder to fight off the bacteria that cause periodontal disease. Therefore, managing stress can help to prevent and treat periodontal disease.