No, it is not OK to fart in public. Farting in public can be embarrassing and uncomfortable for those around you. Not only can farting in public be considered rude and inappropriate, but it can also lead to an unpleasant odor that can linger in the area.
Additionally, farting in public can be embarrassing and make people feel uncomfortable. People may not want to be around you if you are doing it, and you may be judged for it. It can also be a distraction and disrupt the flow of conversation and activity.
Finally, farting in public can be unhygienic. Farts contain some amount of bacteria, which can spread through the air and contaminate food or surfaces. Additionally, if you are in a confined space like an elevator, the smell can become overwhelming and make it difficult to breathe.
For these reasons, it is best to reserve farting for private occasions. If you do need to pass wind in public, you should excuse yourself and find a place with good ventilation.