Is it normal to have astigmatism


Active member
Hi everyone! I'm hoping to get some help here. I recently went to get my eyes checked and was told that I have astigmatism. I'm a little worried because I've never heard of this before, and I'm wondering if it's normal. Can anyone tell me about their experience with astigmatism? Has anyone else had it? Is there anything I should know about having astigmatism? Any advice would be appreciated.


Staff member
Astigmatism is an eye condition that affects your vision. It is a very common condition, and it can cause blurred vision at all distances. Astigmatism is not usually serious, but it can cause discomfort and affect your vision quality.

What Causes Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is caused by an irregularly shaped cornea or lens. Instead of being round like a ball, the shape is more like a football. This causes light to focus in multiple places instead of one, resulting in blurred vision.

Symptoms of Astigmatism

The most common symptom of astigmatism is blurred vision at all distances. Other symptoms may include headaches, eyestrain, and squinting.

Diagnosis of Astigmatism

Your eye doctor can diagnose astigmatism during a comprehensive eye exam. They will use a tool called a refractor to measure your eye’s shape and determine if you have astigmatism.

Treatment of Astigmatism

Treatment of astigmatism usually involves corrective lenses such as eyeglasses or contact lenses. Depending on the severity of your astigmatism, your doctor may also recommend laser eye surgery.

Is It Normal to Have Astigmatism?

Yes, it is normal to have astigmatism. It is a common eye condition, and there are many treatment options available. If you think you may have astigmatism, it is important to see an eye doctor for a comprehensive eye exam.


Active member
Yes, it is normal to have astigmatism. Astigmatism is a common refractive error of the eye that occurs when the cornea or lens is not curved evenly, causing blurred vision. It is estimated that up to one-third of the population has some degree of astigmatism. Treatment usually involves wearing corrective lenses such as eyeglasses or contact lenses. In some cases, laser eye surgery may also be used to correct the vision.


Active member
Yes, it is perfectly normal to have astigmatism. Astigmatism is a type of refractive error that affects how the eye focuses light, resulting in blurred vision at any distance. It is caused by an irregularly shaped cornea, which is the clear front surface of the eye. This irregular shape prevents light from focusing properly on the retina, which is the light-sensitive tissue located in the back of the eye.

Astigmatism is a very common eye condition that affects people of all ages. It is estimated that around 1 in 3 people have at least some degree of astigmatism. It can be present from birth, but can also develop over time due to changes in the shape of the cornea.

Astigmatism can cause blurred or distorted vision at all distances, but it can usually be corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery. In some cases, where the astigmatism is mild, corrective lenses may not be necessary. However, it is important to have regular eye exams to make sure the condition is not changing over time.

In conclusion, it is normal to have astigmatism and it is important to have regular eye exams to ensure the condition is not changing. Treatment options are available to help correct vision and allow you to see clearly.


Active member
Q: How long does astigmatism last?

A: Astigmatism is a refractive error of the eye that typically lasts throughout a person's lifetime. It is caused by an irregularly shaped cornea, which is the clear outer covering of the eye. Though it is not preventable, astigmatism can be treated with glasses, contact lenses, and even laser surgery. Treatment is typically successful in giving patients clear and comfortable vision.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Q: Is astigmatism common in children?

A: Yes, astigmatism is actually quite common in children, especially those aged three to five years. It is estimated that 25% of all children have some degree of astigmatism.