Is it hard being an INFJ


Active member
I'm an INFJ and I'm wondering if anyone else here is too. Is it hard being an INFJ? I'm curious to know how others have experienced it and if there are any tips or tricks they have to make life a little easier.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Being an INFJ can be both rewarding and challenging. INFJ stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging, and is one of the 16 personality types identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). INFJs are often described as deep, compassionate, and creative individuals who are driven by a strong sense of purpose. They are often seen as the “dreamers” and “idealists” of the MBTI.

Social Interaction

INFJs are often seen as quiet and reserved, and because of this they may struggle to form strong connections with others. They may find it difficult to express their thoughts and feelings in social settings, and may also struggle to understand the motivations and intentions of others. INFJs are naturally empathetic and intuitive, which can make it difficult for them to relate to others who are less emotionally in-tune.

Decision Making

INFJs are often driven by their feelings and intuition when making decisions. They may struggle with making decisions that are rational or logical, and may take a lot of time to come to a conclusion. They may also be overly critical of themselves and doubt their own decisions, which can lead to feelings of anxiety and indecisiveness.

Conflict Resolution

INFJs are generally conflict-averse and may struggle to confront difficult situations or people. They may be hesitant to voice their opinions, and may instead opt to withdraw from the situation altogether. They may also be reluctant to take sides in an argument, and may struggle to find a resolution that satisfies both parties.


INFJs are often consumed by their thoughts and feelings, which can lead to feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion. They may struggle to set boundaries and take care of themselves, opting instead to focus on the needs of others. It is important for INFJs to find ways to nurture and care for themselves, such as setting aside time for relaxation and self-reflection.

In conclusion, being an INFJ can be both difficult and rewarding. INFJs are deeply compassionate and intuitive individuals who are driven by a strong sense of purpose. They may struggle to form strong connections with others, as well as to make decisions and resolve conflicts. It is important for INFJs to find ways to nurture and care for themselves, such as setting aside time for relaxation and self-reflection.