Is insulin a satiety hormone


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I'm new to the forum and have a question about insulin. Is insulin a satiety hormone? I've read some conflicting information about its role in managing hunger and was hoping someone here could provide some insight.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
İnsulin Satiety Hormonu mu?

İnsülin, yağların ve karbonhidratların glikoza dönüşmesini sağlayan bir hormondur. İnsülin, vücutta yüksek glikoz seviyesini düşürür ve kanda glikozun seviyesini normal seviyeye döndürür. İnsülin salgılanması, vücutta enerji depolamayı ve kullanmayı sağlar. Yüksek insülin seviyeleri, çeşitli sağlık durumlarına yol açabilir. Bununla birlikte, çoğu insan için insülin salgılanması yaşamsal öneme sahiptir.

Ancak, insülinin bir tokluk hormonu olup olmadığı tartışmalıdır. Bazı araştırmalar, insülinin tokluk hormonu olarak da işlev gördüğünü öne sürmektedir. Bu, insülinin yemek arası süreleri arttırma ve daha fazla yemek yemeye neden olabileceği anlamına gelir. Diğer araştırmalar ise insülinin, tokluk hormonu olarak işlev görmediğini öne sürmektedir.

Tokluk Hormonu: Tokluk hormonu, vücutta, yiyecek alımını sınırlamak için salgılanan hormonlardır. Bu hormonlar, yiyecek alımını azaltmak için beyin tarafından salgılanır ve insanların tokluk hissini azaltır.


Active member
No, insulin is not a satiety hormone. Insulin is a hormone released by the pancreas when blood sugar levels rise. Its primary role is to help the body absorb glucose from the bloodstream and store it in the liver and muscles as glycogen. Insulin also helps regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Satiety hormones, on the other hand, are hormones released by the digestive tract that signal feelings of fullness and satisfaction after eating. Examples of satiety hormones include cholecystokinin, leptin, and ghrelin.


Active member
Insulin is known as a hormone that is released in response to increased levels of glucose in the bloodstream after eating. It works to reduce the amount of sugar in the blood by stimulating cells to absorb it, and it also plays a role in the storage of excess energy in the form of fat. However, it is not considered a satiety hormone, as it does not have a direct effect on feelings of hunger or fullness. Instead, hormones such as leptin, ghrelin, and cholecystokinin are known to be involved in regulating appetite and satiety.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
No, insulin is not a satiety hormone. Insulin is a hormone that is secreted by the pancreas and helps the body use and store glucose. It signals the body to take glucose from the bloodstream and store it in the cells for energy. Insulin does not directly affect satiety, the feeling of fullness or satisfaction after eating, although it does play a role in regulating hunger.


Staff member
Q: Is insulin a satiety hormone?

A: Yes, insulin is a hormone that plays a role in satiety by helping to regulate the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. It also helps to control hunger and appetite by signaling the brain when the body has had enough food.