Is camptodactyly congenital


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"Hi everyone! I'm new here and I'm hoping someone can help me out. I recently heard about camptodactyly and I'm wondering if it's congenital or not.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Camptodactyly is a condition in which the fingers or toes are flexed in a bent position. It is typically congenital, meaning it is present at birth, although it can also develop later in life.

Symptoms of Camptodactyly

People with camptodactyly have fingers or toes that are bent at a fixed angle and unable to straighten out. The degree of the bend can vary from mild to severe. In some cases, the fingers or toes may be shorter than usual and the bones may be deformed.

Causes of Camptodactyly

Camptodactyly is usually caused by a genetic mutation. It can also be caused by trauma or a medical condition such as cerebral palsy.

Treatment of Camptodactyly

Treatment for camptodactyly may involve physical therapy, splinting, or surgery. Physical therapy can help to strengthen the muscles in the fingers or toes so that the joint is able to move more freely. Splinting can help to hold the joint in a straight position and prevent it from becoming further bent. Surgery may be necessary to correct the deformity and help restore range of motion.


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Yes, camptodactyly is a congenital condition, meaning it is present from birth. It is caused by abnormal development of the tendons in the fingers or toes, resulting in the affected joint being permanently bent. Treatment usually involves physical therapy to help stretch and strengthen the muscles and tendons, as well as surgery to help correct the deformity. In some cases, splints or orthotics may be used to help improve the range of motion of the affected joint.


Active member
Camptodactyly is a congenital disorder that causes permanent flexion of one or more fingers, usually the fourth and fifth fingers, although it can involve other digits. It is caused by abnormal development of the bones, joints, and tendons in the hand and wrist, and is usually seen at birth or shortly after. Treatment options may include splinting, physical therapy, and surgery to correct the underlying deformity. It all depends on the severity of the condition and the age of the patient.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Yes, camptodactyly is a congenital condition that is typically present at birth. It is characterized by the permanent flexion of one or more fingers or toes and can be caused by a number of genetic and environmental factors. It is sometimes associated with other congenital conditions such as arthrogryposis or cerebral palsy. Treatment typically involves physical therapy and in some cases, surgery may be recommended if the condition is severe.