Is being an INTP female rare


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I'm an INTP female and I'm wondering if it is rare to be in this personality type. Is anyone else out there like me? I'm curious as to how many other INTP females there might be.


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INTP (Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, Perception) is one of the 16 personality types in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). This type of personality is often referred to as the "Thinker" and is characterized by an independent, logical, and critical thinker who is able to see patterns and relationships in the world.

Are INTP Females Rare?

According to the MBTI, INTP is the third rarest type, making up only 3% of the population. Of that 3%, it is estimated that only one-third are female. This means that INTP females are just 1% of the population, making them one of the rarest personality types.

What Does It Mean to be an INTP Female?

INTP females are often independent, analytical thinkers who strive for objectivity in their thoughts and actions. They are often driven by their own internal motivations and have an intense interest in understanding the world around them. They tend to be quiet and introspective, preferring to think and observe rather than be in the spotlight. They are often seen as highly intelligent and creative, with a knack for problem-solving and finding solutions. They can sometimes be seen as aloof or unemotional, but this is often just a mask for their deep thinkers.


INTP females are incredibly rare and have a unique set of traits that set them apart from other personality types. They are independent thinkers who are driven by their own internal motivations and are highly intelligent and creative. While they may be seen as aloof or unemotional, this is often just a mask for their deep thinkers. Being an INTP female is a special and unique experience, and those who have this type of personality should embrace it.