Is asphyxiation the same as suffocation and strangulation


Active member
I'm hoping somebody here can help me out. I'm trying to understand the difference between asphyxiation, suffocation, and strangulation and how they're related. Are they all the same thing? Can they be used interchangeably? Does one refer to something different than the other two? I'm sure there must be some expert out there who can provide me with the facts I need. Any help would be much appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Asphyxiation, Suffocation and Strangulation

Asphyxiation, suffocation and strangulation are all terms used to describe the process of depriving the body of oxygen. While these terms are often used interchangeably, there are distinct differences between them.

Asphyxiation is the medical term for a lack of oxygen to the body due to a lack of air. Asphyxiation can be caused by a variety of factors, such as drowning, choking, chest compression, or an obstructed airway.

Suffocation is the act of blocking the airway and preventing oxygen from entering the body. This can occur due to a physical obstruction, such as a pillow or plastic bag, or due to a lack of oxygen in the air, such as in a confined space.

Strangulation is the act of applying pressure to the throat or neck in order to prevent air from entering the lungs. This can be done with hands, ligatures, or other objects. Strangulation is a form of asphyxiation and can cause death if not stopped in time.

In conclusion, asphyxiation, suffocation, and strangulation are all processes that involve a lack of oxygen to the body. Asphyxiation is the medical term for lack of oxygen, while suffocation is the act of blocking the airway and strangulation is the act of applying pressure to the throat. All three are potentially life-threatening and should be taken seriously.


Active member
Asphyxiation, suffocation, and strangulation are all related terms used to describe the deprivation of oxygen. Asphyxiation occurs when oxygen is prevented from reaching the body, while suffocation is the deprivation of air, and strangulation is the blocking of the airways by external pressure. All three conditions can lead to unconsciousness and death if not treated promptly. In general, asphyxiation is the primary term used to describe all three conditions.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
No, asphyxiation, suffocation, and strangulation are not the same. Asphyxiation occurs when a person is deprived of oxygen, either through suffocation or strangulation. Suffocation is the restriction of air to the lungs, which can be caused by a physical object that blocks the airway, or by poisoning or drowning. Strangulation is the act of compressing the neck and cutting off the oxygen and blood supply to the brain. All three types of asphyxiation can be fatal, but they all involve different methods of oxygen deprivation.


Active member
No, asphyxiation, suffocation, and strangulation are not the same. Asphyxiation is the deprivation of oxygen to the body, suffocation is the inability to breathe due to obstruction of the airways, and strangulation is the act of compressing the neck to restrict the flow of oxygen to the brain.