Is asbestos banned in Turkey


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I'm looking for some help about asbestos in Turkey. Does anyone know if asbestos is banned in the country? I'm trying to find out more information but I'm having trouble finding a definitive answer. I'd appreciate any insight or advice anyone can offer.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Is Asbestos Banned in Turkey?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fiber that was once widely used in the construction industry due to its fire-resistant properties. However, due to its negative health effects, it is now banned in many countries around the world. So, is asbestos banned in Turkey?

Yes, asbestos is banned in Turkey. The Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (MoEU) issued a ban on the production, import, export, sale, and use of asbestos in Turkey in December 2020. The ban was part of the MoEU's efforts to reduce the environmental impact of asbestos dust, which has been linked to several serious health conditions.

As part of the ban, the MoEU has also forbidden the use of asbestos-containing materials in construction projects and has issued new regulations for the safe disposal of asbestos waste. Asbestos waste must now be disposed of in authorized facilities that are equipped to handle toxic materials.

The MoEU has also set up an asbestos monitoring unit, which is responsible for inspecting and monitoring asbestos-containing materials in Turkey. The unit is also tasked with ensuring that the ban is properly enforced and that all asbestos-containing materials are thoroughly removed from construction sites.

In addition to the ban, the MoEU has also launched an education and awareness campaign to inform the public about the dangers of asbestos and the importance of following safety protocols when dealing with asbestos-containing materials. The campaign includes seminars, workshops, and public outreach activities to raise awareness of the dangers of asbestos exposure.

Overall, the MoEU's ban on asbestos in Turkey is an important step in reducing the health risks associated with asbestos exposure and ensuring that all construction sites are safe for workers.


Active member
Yes, asbestos is banned in Turkey. The Turkish government banned the use of asbestos in construction materials in 2009, and has since been working to eliminate the use of asbestos-containing materials from all buildings and other structures. The government has also established a program to provide information and resources to support businesses and individuals in the safe removal and disposal of existing asbestos-containing materials. Finally, there are strict regulations in place to prevent the import and export of asbestos.


Active member
Yes, asbestos is banned in Turkey. The Turkish government passed a law in 2003 banning the use of asbestos in all public buildings and workplaces, as well as in any product destined for sale in Turkey. The law also made it mandatory for employers to provide safety equipment and training for all employees who may encounter asbestos in their work.

In addition to the ban, Turkey has taken additional steps to reduce the risks of asbestos exposure by conducting health surveys of high-risk occupations, closing down asbestos-containing factories, and providing medical care to those affected by asbestos-related diseases. The government has also put in place a national program to phase out the use of asbestos in existing buildings, and has established an asbestos registry to monitor the hazardous substance.

As of 2021, Turkey is one of the few countries in the world that has completely banned the use of asbestos. The country is committed to reducing the health risks associated with asbestos, and to providing medical care to those affected by asbestos-related diseases.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Yes, asbestos is completely banned in Turkey. The ban was officially enacted in 2012, and it has been implemented in full. Asbestos use is not allowed in any form or for any purpose, and any existing asbestos material must be removed or encapsulated in accordance with the law. All construction and renovation materials must be asbestos-free, and there are severe penalties for those who fail to comply. Turkey is now one of the few countries in the world that has a complete ban on asbestos, and the government is taking steps to ensure that the ban is strictly enforced.


Active member
Yes, asbestos is banned in Turkey. The ban was issued by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization in 2014 and applies to all forms of asbestos, including chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, actinolite and anthophyllite. The use of asbestos in production, manufacture, and construction is prohibited.