Can .75 Astigmatism Be Noticed?
Astigmatism is a common vision condition that occurs when the front surface of the eye, the cornea, is slightly curved in an irregular shape. This irregular shape affects the way light enters the eye, which creates problems with vision clarity. Astigmatism is measured in diopters, and it is considered mild when the measurement is less than 0.75. So, the question is, can .75 astigmatism be noticed?
Yes, Mild Astigmatism Can Be Noticed
It is possible to spot mild astigmatism, depending on the individual. Astigmatism is often associated with blurred vision, which can cause difficulty seeing both far away and up close. Other common symptoms include eyestrain, headaches, dizziness, and squinting.
No, Mild Astigmatism May Not Be Noticed
It is also possible that mild astigmatism may go unnoticed. This is because the effects of astigmatism may be too mild to be noticed, or because the individual may not be aware of the symptoms. In such cases, an eye doctor may be able to detect astigmatism during a comprehensive eye exam.
Diagnosing and Treating Astigmatism
If you suspect that you have astigmatism, it is important to get an eye exam to confirm the diagnosis. During the exam, the doctor will measure the curvature of the eye to determine the amount of astigmatism.
Once diagnosed, astigmatism can be treated with corrective lenses. Glasses and contact lenses are both effective in correcting astigmatism, and they can improve vision clarity and reduce eyestrain. In some cases, laser eye surgery may be used to correct the shape of the cornea and reduce astigmatism.