If the impacted tooth is not extracted, what will happen


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Hi everyone!

I recently found out that I have an impacted tooth and my dentist has recommended extraction. However, I'm wondering what will happen if I don't go ahead with the procedure. Can anyone provide me with some insight into this? What kind of problems will I experience if I choose to not get the tooth extracted? Is there anything else I should consider before making a decision?

I would really appreciate any advice or information on this matter.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Impacted teeth can cause a variety of issues if left untreated, including:

Pain and Discomfort

Impacted teeth can cause pain and discomfort if they are not extracted. Pain may be felt in the jaw, face, or neck, and can be constant or intermittent. Additionally, the pressure from impacted teeth can cause swelling, tenderness, and infection of the surrounding gums.

Issues with Other Teeth

The presence of an impacted tooth can put extra pressure on adjacent teeth, leading to misalignment or overcrowding. Additionally, impacted teeth can lead to decay in nearby teeth, as food and bacteria can become trapped in the area.

Potential Risk of Cysts and Tumors

If an impacted tooth is not extracted, it can cause cysts or tumors to form in the jawbone. These cysts or tumors can cause severe damage to the surrounding bone and tissue, and may even spread to other parts of the body.

Overall Oral Health

Leaving an impacted tooth untreated can lead to a variety of issues that can negatively impact overall oral health. This includes an increased risk of plaque and tartar build-up, tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health issues.


Active member
If the impacted tooth is not extracted, it can cause a variety of issues. The impacted tooth can cause pain, infection, and misalignment of the surrounding teeth. In addition, the impacted tooth can cause the jawbone to become damaged and deformed due to the pressure it puts on the surrounding teeth. In some cases, the impacted tooth can also cause cysts or tumors to form in the jawbone, which can be quite serious. In extreme cases, the impacted tooth can even cause inflammation of the jawbone and surrounding tissue, which can be very painful. Therefore, it is important to have an impacted tooth removed in order to avoid any of these potential issues.


Active member
If the impacted tooth is not extracted, it can cause a variety of dental issues. The most common issue is overcrowding in the mouth, which can cause pain and misalignment of the teeth. Additionally, the impacted tooth can cause the surrounding teeth to shift or become damaged due to the pressure put on them. An impacted tooth can also cause periodontal disease, which can lead to gum disease and infections in the gums and bone. In extreme cases, an impacted tooth can cause cysts or tumors to form, leading to a variety of other medical problems. It is important to have an impacted tooth extracted to prevent any of these issues from occurring and to maintain healthy teeth and gums.


Staff member
Generally, if an infected or decayed tooth is not extracted, it will create an array of issues that can worsen over time. These issues may include abscess development, increased pain, infection of the surrounding teeth and gums, and even the spread of infection throughout the body. Additionally, without extraction, the damage to the tooth may become irreversible, and more costly treatments may be required to restore the tooth. Therefore, it's important to take action and seek professional treatment as soon as possible in order to get the situation under control and prevent further damage.