How tall is Jesus


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Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum and I was wondering if anyone could help me. I'm curious about how tall Jesus was and I was wondering if anyone had any information on the topic. I know that the Bible doesn't specify his height, so I'm looking for any non-Biblical information or theories about how tall Jesus was.


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Jesus' height is unknown as there is no historical record of his physical measurements. The Bible does not mention his height, and there is no archeological evidence to suggest it. However, some scholars have made educated guesses based on the context of biblical references.

Analogy to Biblical Figures

Some scholars have attempted to use analogies to biblical figures to estimate Jesus’ height. For example, Jesus is described in the Bible as being about the same height as the prophet Elijah, which is thought to be around six feet tall. Other scholars have noted that Jesus was likely taller than John the Baptist who is described in the Bible as being a bit shorter than average.

Guesses Based on Physical Descriptions

Other scholars have tried to make an estimate based on physical descriptions. The Bible mentions that Jesus had a beard and was of average build, which suggests that he was likely around five to six feet tall. Additionally, some biblical scholars also suggest that Jesus was likely taller than the average person of his time, which was around five feet.


In conclusion, Jesus’ height is unknown. There is no historical record or archeological evidence to provide an accurate measurement. However, based on analogies to biblical figures and physical descriptions in the Bible, some scholars have made educated guesses that Jesus was likely around five to six feet tall.


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The exact height of Jesus is not known as his physical appearance is not described in the Bible. However, it is believed that he was of average height for a man of his time. The average height for a man in Jesus’ time was approximately 5’1”. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that Jesus was of a similar height. Furthermore, archaeological evidence suggests that the average height for a man in Galilee, Jesus’ home region, was even lower at around 5’.


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Jesus' exact height is not known, as there is no definitive record of it. However, the average height of a 1st century Jewish male was between 5' and 5'6", which is likely the size range Jesus was in. He was also described in the Bible as being a carpenter, so it is safe to assume he was of average height or slightly taller than average. Additionally, Jesus was described as being a bit taller than the average person when He was resurrected. Ultimately, Jesus' exact height is unknown but He was likely of average height for a 1st century Jewish male.


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"What does the Bible say about Jesus' physical appearance?"

The Bible does not provide any concrete details about the physical appearance of Jesus. However, the Gospels describe several instances where Jesus' physical presence was remarked upon. For example, the Gospel of Luke states that he was "of a noble presence" and the Gospel of Matthew remarks that the crowds were astounded at his teaching because he spoke "with authority". Moreover, there are a few passages that hint at Jesus' physical stature. For example, Jesus is described as being shorter than his brother James, and it is said that he could easily pass through the crowds due to his smaller size. Overall, the Bible does not provide a detailed description of Jesus' physical appearance, but it does give a few clues about his physical presence.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Jesus' physical height is not specifically recorded in the Bible, however, estimates place Him at around 5'1'' (155 cm). Some believe Jesus was of average height for the time, which was around 5'0'' (152 cm). Whatever His exact height may have been, He was certainly shorter than the average modern man.