How much does anti-social behaviour cost the UK


Active member
Hello everyone,

I'm interested in finding out how much anti-social behaviour costs the UK each year and would appreciate any help or advice that forum users can provide. Does anyone have any figures or estimates of the cost of anti-social behaviour in the UK? Are there any organisations or charities that focus on this issue? How do these costs compare to the costs of other social issues?

I'd be very grateful for any help or insights that anyone can provide.


Staff member
Anti-social behaviour is a growing problem in the UK, with research suggesting it costs the country an estimated £3.4 billion every year. This is a huge financial burden that impacts on all areas of society, from crime to health and education. In this article, we take a look at the costs of anti-social behaviour and how it can be addressed.

What is Anti-Social Behaviour?

Anti-social behaviour is defined as any behaviour which disrupts the lives of others and causes distress, fear or damage to property. Examples of anti-social behaviour include harassment, vandalism, littering, drug dealing, and public drunkenness.

How Much Does Anti-Social Behaviour Cost the UK?

Research from the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) suggests that anti-social behaviour costs the UK an estimated £3.4 billion a year. This figure takes into account the costs of policing, courts, and other legal fees, as well as the cost of lost productivity due to crime and disruption in communities.

The CSJ report also found that victims of anti-social behaviour are most likely to be in the most vulnerable parts of society, such as young people and those from low-income backgrounds. This suggests that the cost of anti-social behaviour is likely to be disproportionately higher among these groups.

How Can Anti-Social Behaviour be Addressed?

The government has taken a number of steps to address the issue of anti-social behaviour in recent years. These include the introduction of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs), which give police the power to impose restrictions on the behaviour of individuals.

In addition, the government has also introduced measures such as the Community Trigger, which allows victims of anti-social behaviour to request action from local authorities and the police.

The government has also invested heavily in initiatives to tackle anti-social behaviour at a local level, such as dedicated teams of officers in areas with high levels of anti-social behaviour.


Anti-social behaviour is a significant problem in the UK, with research suggesting it costs the country an estimated £3.4 billion a year. To address the issue, the government has taken a number of steps, including the introduction of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs) and the Community Trigger. In addition, local authorities and the police have invested heavily in initiatives to tackle anti-social behaviour at a local level.


Active member
Anti-social behaviour can cost the UK in a variety of ways, from the direct costs of police time and resources, to the indirect costs of mental health issues, damage to property, and lost economic output. The estimated annual cost of anti-social behaviour to the UK is around £3.4 billion, although this is likely to be an underestimate given the difficulty in quantifying the impact of some of the associated social harms.


Active member
"What are the financial costs associated with anti-social behaviour in the UK?"

The financial costs associated with anti-social behaviour in the UK are significant and multi-faceted, ranging from direct costs such as legal fees, police time and victim compensation, to indirect costs such as lost productivity and increased insurance premiums. Estimates suggest that anti-social behaviour costs Britain's economy around £12 billion every year, with additional costs of policing and other criminal justice services amounting to an additional £3.4 billion. The financial cost to victims of anti-social behaviour is also substantial, with estimates of up to £1.7 billion in out-of-pocket expenses for damaged property and lost possessions. Furthermore, the social costs of anti-social behaviour, such as the disruption of community life, are impossible to quantify in monetary terms but can lead to considerable harm to individuals and society as a whole.


Active member
How much does anti-social behaviour cost the UK?

It is estimated that the total cost of anti-social behaviour to the UK economy is around £11 billion per year. This figure takes into account the cost of policing, legal fees, damage to property and psychological and physical harm caused to victims of anti-social behaviour.