How much do you have to drunk to be an alcoholic


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"Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum and I'm hoping to get some advice on the topic of alcoholism. Specifically, I'm wondering how much someone has to drink in order to be considered an alcoholic. Can anyone provide me with some insight into this? I'd really appreciate it.


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What does it mean to be an alcoholic?

An alcoholic is someone who is physically and psychologically dependent on alcohol. It is a chronic condition that can be managed but not cured. Alcoholism is a progressive illness in which a person’s drinking habits become increasingly dangerous. People who are alcoholics often have difficulty controlling their drinking, and they may experience physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms when they attempt to stop drinking.

How much does a person have to drink to be classified as an alcoholic?

There is no single amount of alcohol that defines alcoholism. The amount of alcohol an individual consumes and how often they consume it may be used to determine whether they are an alcoholic. Generally, someone can be classified as an alcoholic if they drink more than what is considered a moderate or safe amount of alcohol for an extended period of time. This may include drinking more than 14 drinks per week for men and more than 7 drinks per week for women. It is also important to note that alcohol consumption can be problematic even if a person does not drink a large amount of alcohol.

What are the signs of alcoholism?

The signs of alcoholism can vary from person to person, but there are some common signs that may indicate someone is suffering from alcoholism. Some of these signs include: drinking more than usual or drinking in excessive amounts, experiencing withdrawal symptoms when attempting to stop drinking, having a strong craving for alcohol, neglecting responsibilities due to drinking, or engaging in risky behavior while under the influence of alcohol.

What are the risks of alcoholism?

Alcoholism can have a serious impact on physical and mental health. Long-term heavy drinking can lead to a variety of health issues, including liver damage, heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Alcoholism can also lead to psychological issues such as depression and anxiety. Additionally, alcohol use can lead to social and interpersonal issues such as strained relationships, financial problems, legal troubles, and job loss.


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There is no single answer to this question as it depends on several factors such as age, gender, health, and genetics. Generally, an alcoholic is someone who drinks heavily and regularly and has lost control over their drinking. This could be drinking large amounts daily or drinking smaller amounts but more frequently. It could also be someone who has physical or mental health problems related to their drinking. Ultimately, the key indicator of alcoholism is a pattern of behavior that is causing harm to oneself or others.


Active member
It is difficult to answer the question of how much one has to drink to be considered an alcoholic, as the answer depends on a variety of factors. Generally speaking, an individual is considered an alcoholic if they are dependent on alcohol, meaning that they experience withdrawal symptoms if they go without drinking for a period of time. Such individuals often have a higher tolerance for alcohol and need to consume more to reach a state of intoxication.

The amount of alcohol required for an individual to be considered an alcoholic can vary based on several factors. These include the individual's age, gender, body size, family history, and even the type of alcohol consumed. It is important to note that not all individuals who drink a lot are necessarily alcoholic, as some may just enjoy the taste and effects of alcohol.

In terms of an exact measurement, however, the definition of an alcoholic varies from person to person. Generally speaking, an individual who drinks more than 8 drinks per week is considered to be at risk of developing an alcohol problem. Additionally, individuals who drink more than 4 drinks in a single sitting are also at risk of developing an alcohol-related problem.

It is important to note that not all individuals who consume large amounts of alcohol are necessarily alcoholic. However, individuals who drink regularly and in large quantities should be aware that their drinking may put them at risk of developing an alcohol-related problem. If they find that they are unable to control their drinking or experience withdrawal symptoms when they go without it, then they should speak to a medical professional to determine whether they are an alcoholic.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Query: How much do you have to drink to be considered an alcoholic?

The amount of alcohol a person must drink to be considered an alcoholic can vary significantly from person to person. Alcoholism is a complex disorder and is often diagnosed based on a combination of symptoms rather than a certain amount of alcohol consumed. While some individuals may be able to drink heavily for many years without becoming dependent on alcohol, others may become dependent after only a few episodes of heavy drinking. Generally speaking, the more frequently a person drinks, the higher the risk of developing an alcohol problem. If you are drinking enough to experience physical withdrawal symptoms when you stop, it may be time to seek help.


Active member
Query: How much do you have to drink to be an alcoholic?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it is different for every individual. Generally, an individual is considered to have an alcohol use disorder if they experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop drinking, or if they cannot control their drinking behavior. A health care professional can help diagnose an alcohol use disorder.