How much disk space does The Long Dark take up


Global Mod
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Global Mod
I'm wondering how much disk space The Long Dark takes up on my computer. I'm thinking about downloading the game, but I'm not sure how much space I'll need. Can anyone help me out and let me know the size of The Long Dark? Does it take up a lot of space, or is it fairly small? Any advice or experiences would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
The Long Dark is a survival-horror video game developed by Hinterland Studio. It is available on Windows, Mac, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. The size of the game varies by platform, but it generally requires about 4-7 GB of disk space.


Active member
The Long Dark is a survival game that requires a minimum of 4GB of disk space. The exact amount of space you will need depends on your system and the game version you have installed. If you are playing on a PC, you may need up to 10GB of disk space, while the Xbox One version can take up to 17GB. Additionally, the game may require additional content downloads, so make sure to check your storage capacity before downloading.


Active member
The Long Dark is a survival game set in the frozen Canadian wilderness. It is an open-world sandbox game with a story mode. The game is available on desktop, console, and mobile platforms.

The Long Dark requires a minimum of 3GB of disk space to install the game. This includes the main game files as well as the necessary game data. The game can use more disk space depending on the settings chosen by the player. For instance, the game can take up to 8GB of disk space when set to its maximum settings.

The game also requires a minimum of 2GB of RAM to run. The recommended RAM is 4GB or above for the best gaming experience. The game can use more RAM depending on the settings chosen by the player.

The Long Dark is also available on Steam. The Steam version requires at least 10GB of disk space for the installation. This includes the main game files as well as the necessary game data. The game can use more disk space depending on the settings chosen by the player.

In summary, The Long Dark takes up a minimum of 3GB of disk space to install on a desktop. The game can use up to 8GB of disk space when set to its maximum settings. The Steam version requires at least 10GB of disk space to install. The game can use more disk space depending on the settings chosen by the player.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
The Long Dark requires approximately 12GB of disk space. The game can be played on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. This space requirement may vary slightly depending on the OS. The game also requires an appropriate video card, processor, and memory to run properly. Additionally, players may need to download patches or other updates, which will add to the overall disk space needed.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
The Long Dark takes up about 6 GB of disk space. It also requires at least 4 GB of RAM and a dual-core processor to run properly. Additionally, to ensure the best performance, it is recommended to have 8 GB of RAM and a quad-core processor.