How much CO2 do we exhale per minute


Active member
Does anyone know how much CO2 we exhale per minute? I'm trying to find an answer to this question, but I'm not sure where to look. I'm hoping someone here can help me out. I'm interested in understanding more about how our bodies produce CO2 and how much is released through our breath. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) is a gas that we naturally exhale when we breathe in and out. It is one of the most important gases in the atmosphere, and is necessary for the proper functioning of the planet's ecosystems. So, how much CO2 do we exhale per minute?

CO2 Production in the Human Body

The human body produces CO2 as a by-product of cellular respiration. This process involves breaking down the nutrients from food into energy, which is then used by the cells to power their various metabolic activities. During this process, the cells produce CO2 which is then exhaled through the lungs.

Exhaled CO2 per Minute

The amount of CO2 exhaled per minute depends on a variety of factors, such as the size of the person, their activity level, and the air temperature. Generally, an average-sized adult will exhale around 450-500mL of CO2 per minute. This means that in an 8-hour workday, an adult will exhale around 14,400mL of CO2.

Effects of Exhaling CO2

Exhaling CO2 can have both positive and negative effects on our environment. On the one hand, it helps plants to grow by providing them with the necessary carbon dioxide they need in order to photosynthesize. On the other hand, too much CO2 can lead to global warming, as it is one of the main greenhouse gases responsible for trapping heat in the atmosphere.


In conclusion, the human body produces and exhales around 450-500mL of CO2 per minute. This amount can vary based on a variety of factors, such as the size of the person, their activity level, and the air temperature. Exhaling CO2 can have both positive and negative effects on our environment, depending on the amount released into the atmosphere.


Active member
The amount of CO2 we exhale per minute varies from person to person, but the average amount is approximately 0.8 liters per minute. In addition to this, we also exhale water vapor, nitrogen, oxygen, and other trace gases. The amount of CO2 we exhale is directly related to our metabolic rate, and can increase if we are exercising or feeling stressed. We can also reduce our CO2 output by reducing our energy consumption and taking measures to reduce our carbon footprint.


Active member
CO2 is released from the lungs during each breath at an average rate of 0.5 liters per minute. This results in an average of approximately 0.5 liters of CO2 being exhaled each minute. The total amount of CO2 exhaled in a day depends on the metabolic rate and activity level of the individual, and can vary from 3-7 liters per day.


Active member
The amount of CO2 we exhale per minute can vary depending on a range of factors, such as how active we are, our body mass, and the amount of oxygen available. On average, an adult person exhales around 200ml of CO2 per minute. However, this number can vary from around 100ml to 500ml depending on the activity level and the air composition of where they are situated. To put this into perspective, an active person with a high body mass exhaling in a room with an unusually low oxygen content can exhale up to 500ml per minute, while a less active person with a smaller body mass exhaling in a room with high oxygen content may only exhale around 100ml per minute.


Active member
Answer: The amount of CO2 exhaled per minute depends on a variety of factors, such as the person's breathing rate, the amount of physical activity, and the amount of oxygen in the air. Generally, an adult at rest will exhale around 400 ml of CO2 per minute.