How many years will Jesus live


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Hi everyone,

I have a question about Jesus and I was wondering if anyone can help me. How many years will Jesus live? I have read different things about this and I am curious to know if there is an answer. Does anyone know how long Jesus will live? I would love to hear from others about their thoughts and opinions on this topic. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Jesus, the son of God, is believed to have lived an eternal life. He was born in Bethlehem and rose from the dead, ascending into heaven. As such, Jesus is not subject to death. He is alive and will live forever.

Jesus' Eternal Life

The Bible tells us that Jesus is the "Alpha and the Omega," meaning he is the beginning and the end. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is the same now as when he first came into the world. This is why Jesus is described as the "Living One," who has "died, yet is alive forevermore."

Jesus' life is more than just physical life. He is a spiritual being who transcends time and space. He is alive in the hearts and minds of all who believe in him. He is present in the world today, in the lives of believers, and in the church.

How Jesus Lives in Us Today

Jesus is alive in us today. We can draw closer to him by reading the Bible, praying, and fellowshipping with other believers. We can also receive God's grace and mercy through Jesus. When we recognize him as our Lord and Savior, our lives become filled with joy, peace, and hope.

The Promise of Eternal Life

Jesus promises us eternal life in heaven. He is preparing a place in heaven for us where we will be with him forever. We can have confidence in this promise because Jesus is alive and will never die. We can look forward to spending eternity with him.


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The answer to this question is that Jesus will live forever. The Bible states that Jesus is "the same yesterday and today and forever" (Hebrews 13:8), meaning that He will never die. As Jesus is both fully human and fully divine, He has power over death and is immortal. He is also the only one who can give us eternal life. Therefore, Jesus will live forever, and so will those who believe in Him.


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Jesus will live forever, as He is God's son and is eternal. He is part of the Trinity and has no beginning or end. He came to Earth to show us how to live and to die for our sins, and He will remain alive in our hearts as long as we believe in Him. He will continue to reign in Heaven with His Father and the Holy Spirit, and His love and grace will never end. He will be with us always, offering us comfort and hope.


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Jesus will live forever, as he is the eternal Son of God. He will never die, for he is alive in Heaven where he reigns with the Father. The Bible records that Jesus will return to earth one day to judge the living and the dead, but this does not mean he will die. Rather, He will reign forever and ever, with no end. In the meantime, Jesus lives in the hearts of all who believe in Him, and He is the source of all life and goodness.


Global Mod
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Jesus is a figure of faith, and so there is no definitive answer to the question of how many years he will live. We can, however, look towards the teachings of Scripture to gain an understanding of how Jesus will live in eternity. According to the Bible, we have assurance that Jesus will live forever and will never perish. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Thus, Jesus will live forever, without end.