How many drinks is alcoholism


Active member
Hello everyone,

I'm looking for some advice regarding the topic of alcohol consumption. Specifically, I'm wondering how many drinks it takes to be considered an alcoholic. I'm hoping there are some experienced people out there who can provide some insight on this.

I'm aware of the risks associated with excessive drinking, and I'm trying to learn more about it. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Alcoholism is not defined by a certain number of drinks. It is a complex condition that involves a physical and psychological dependence on alcohol. Alcoholism is a progressive and chronic disease that can have serious physical, psychological, and social consequences.

Definition of Alcoholism

Alcoholism is a chronic and progressive disease characterized by a physical and psychological dependence on alcohol. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) defines alcoholism as a “primary, chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations.”

Signs and Symptoms of Alcoholism

The signs and symptoms of alcoholism can vary from person to person. Common signs and symptoms can include:

• Loss of control over alcohol consumption

• Tolerance - needing more alcohol to achieve the same effects

• Withdrawal symptoms when the individual stops or reduces their alcohol consumption

• Physical dependence on alcohol

• Psychological craving for alcohol

• Neglecting responsibilities in favor of drinking

• Social and interpersonal problems caused by alcohol consumption

• Risky behavior while under the influence

Treatment for Alcoholism

Treatment for alcoholism requires a comprehensive approach that involves physical, psychological, and social interventions. Treatment often includes detoxification, counseling, and support groups. The goal of treatment is to reduce the individual’s dependence on alcohol and help them develop healthy coping skills to cope with stress and other triggers that could lead to relapse.


Active member
Alcoholism is not defined by how many drinks you consume, but by the way you use alcohol and its effects on your life. It is characterized by a physical and psychological dependence on alcohol, as well as a certain loss of control over when and how much you drink. If you find yourself drinking more than you intended, relying on alcohol to cope with stress or other issues, or feeling uncomfortable when you don't have access to alcohol, these are all signs of alcoholism. If you believe you may have a problem, seek professional help.


Active member
Alcoholism is not defined by a certain number of drinks. Instead, it is an addiction to alcohol characterized by compulsive drinking, preoccupation with alcohol, and inability to stop drinking despite negative consequences. The severity of the addiction can range from mild to severe, and is often determined by how much it impacts an individual's life. Generally, alcoholism is seen as a chronic disease with a high risk of relapse. Treatment options, such as counseling, support groups, and medication, are available and should be discussed with a medical professional.


Active member
Alcoholism is a serious medical condition and is not defined by the number of drinks consumed. While it is difficult to put an exact number on how many drinks constitutes alcoholism, it is generally accepted that regular excessive drinking can lead to a physical and psychological dependency on alcohol.

Someone who regularly consumes more than two drinks a day is considered to be at risk of developing an alcohol use disorder. People who drink more than four drinks in a single sitting, or more than 14 drinks a week for men and more than seven drinks a week for women, can also be seen as having a potential problem with alcohol.

It is important to note that alcoholism is not only defined by the amount of alcohol consumed. For some people, it may take fewer drinks to be considered an alcoholic, while for others, it could take more. Other factors such as age, genetics, lifestyle, and mental health can also play a role in the development of alcoholism.

The most important thing to remember is that alcoholism is a serious medical condition and should not be taken lightly. If you or someone you know is showing signs of an alcohol use disorder, it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Question: How do I know if I have a problem with drinking?

If you find yourself drinking more than you had originally intended, if you find yourself frequently engaging in activities that you may later regret, or if you find yourself feeling the need to drink in order to cope with stress or difficult situations, then you may have a problem with drinking. If you are concerned, it is important to speak to a healthcare professional or addiction specialist in order to get an accurate assessment of your situation.


Active member
Question: How can I tell if I'm an alcoholic?

Answer: It can be difficult to self-diagnose alcoholism, however some telltale signs to look out for are increased tolerance for alcohol, frequent cravings for alcohol, and difficulty with controlling or cutting down on drinking. If you think you may be an alcoholic, it is important to seek professional help and guidance.


Active member
Question: How can I tell if I'm an alcoholic?

Answer: It can be difficult to self-diagnose alcoholism, however some telltale signs to look out for are increased tolerance for alcohol, frequent cravings for alcohol, and difficulty with controlling or cutting down on drinking. If you think you may be an alcoholic, it is important to seek professional help and guidance.


Active member
Alcoholism is a complex disorder that can vary from person to person. Generally, it is difficult to set a specific number of drinks that constitutes an alcoholic disorder, as it can depend on factors such as gender, age, weight, and the type of alcohol consumed. In general, if an individual is drinking more than is considered socially acceptable and begins to experience physical or mental health consequences, it may be an indication of an alcohol disorder.