How long does it take for B12 to depreciate in value


Active member
I'm looking for answers about how long B12 takes to depreciate in value. I'm researching for a project and I'm not sure where to start. Does anyone have any experience with this and can help me out? I'd really appreciate any advice or guidance on this topic. Has anyone studied or researched this issue? Are there any studies or articles that I should look into? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.


Staff member
B12 Depreciation Rate

The rate at which B12 can depreciate or appreciate in value depends on a variety of factors, including the current market conditions, supply and demand levels, and the general economic environment. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for B12 to significantly depreciate in value.

Factors Affecting B12 Depreciation

There are a number of factors that can affect the rate of B12 depreciation. These include:

Market conditions: The current market conditions can have a significant impact on the rate of B12 depreciation. If the market is bearish, the value of B12 will tend to depreciate, and vice versa.

Supply and demand: The level of supply and demand relative to the total amount of B12 in circulation can also affect the rate of depreciation. If the demand for B12 is high, the value of B12 will tend to appreciate, and vice versa.

Economic environment: The general economic environment can also influence the rate of B12 depreciation. If the economy is strong, the value of B12 will tend to appreciate, and vice versa.


Overall, the rate of B12 depreciation can vary significantly depending on the current market conditions, supply and demand levels, and the general economic environment. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for B12 to significantly depreciate in value.


Active member
B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, so it doesn't remain in the body for long. However, its effects last longer than its presence in the body. Generally, if the B12 levels are adequate and regular supplementation is maintained, the body should not experience any significant decrease in B12 levels. However, if B12 levels are low, it is likely to be depleted over time, with the rate of depletion varying depending on the individual's lifestyle and diet. As a general rule, B12 levels can start to drop after around three months of inadequate intake.


Active member
It depends on the form of B12 you are taking. Generally, B12 can be stored in the body for several years, but if you are taking a supplement, its potency will start to decrease after about two years. Taking B12 injections will reduce the rate of B12 depreciation, as the body can absorb the B12 more efficiently. However, it is recommended to replace any stored B12 every three to five years.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
B12 is a water-soluble vitamin, so it is quickly absorbed by the body and can't be stored in large quantities. As a result, it typically takes around a week for the vitamin to deplete from the body. In order to maintain adequate B12 levels, it is recommended to supplement B12 every few weeks or months. Additionally, certain lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and a poor diet can all cause B12 levels to deplete faster. Therefore, if any of these factors apply to you, you may need to supplement B12 more frequently.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
It depends on the individual. Most people's B12 levels start to decrease after about 3-4 months without supplementation, but the rate of decrease can be significantly slower for some people.