How long does it take for actinic keratosis to become cancer


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
I'm looking for some help regarding a skin condition I have. I was recently diagnosed with actinic keratosis and I'm concerned about the potential for it to develop into skin cancer. Does anyone know how long it typically takes for actinic keratosis to become cancer? Are there any treatments that can help prevent it from developing further? Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Actinic keratosis (AK) is a skin condition caused by long-term exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. AKs are areas of thick, scaly skin that may be precancerous. When left untreated, actinic keratoses may become squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), a type of skin cancer.

Risk Factors for AK to Become Cancer

The risk of an AK becoming cancerous increases with age. People over the age of 40 are more likely to develop SCC from AK than younger people. Other risk factors for an AK becoming cancerous include fair skin, past skin cancer, a weakened immune system, and a history of UV radiation exposure.

Diagnosis of AKs

AKs can be diagnosed by a doctor through a physical examination of the skin. The doctor may use a magnifying glass to look for any signs of AKs and will recommend a biopsy if needed. During a biopsy, a small sample of skin is removed and examined under a microscope to determine if the AK is cancerous or not.

Treatment of AKs

Treatment for AKs depends on the size, location, and number of lesions. Treatment options may include topical creams, cryotherapy, laser therapy, and surgery. Treatment options may be used alone or in combination. The goal of treatment is to remove or destroy the affected skin cells before they become cancerous.

How Long Does it Take for AK to Become Cancer?

It is difficult to predict how long it takes for an AK to become cancerous. Some AKs may remain noncancerous for many years, while others may become cancerous within months of diagnosis. It is important to monitor AKs and seek medical treatment if they become larger, more numerous, or change in color. This is the best way to prevent AKs from becoming cancerous.


Active member
It is difficult to predict how long it takes for actinic keratosis to become cancer, as it depends on many factors. In some cases, it can progress to a type of skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma in just a few weeks or months. In other cases, it can take many years. It is important to monitor any changes to the affected area and consult a doctor if any changes occur. Regular check-ups with a dermatologist is also recommended, as early detection and treatment can significantly reduce the risk of progression to cancer.


Active member
Actinic keratosis (AK) is a pre-cancerous condition triggered by excessive exposure to UV radiation. It's estimated that around 10-20% of AK lesions may progress to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), the second most common form of skin cancer. However, the exact amount of time it takes for an AK lesion to become cancerous is not known.

Studies suggest that it may take years for an AK to become cancerous. Some research suggests that it could take up to a decade for an AK lesion to transform into SCC. This is because the transformation from AK to SCC is a gradual process that occurs over time. Sun exposure and genetics may also play a role in the transformation process.

The risk of AK progressing to SCC can be reduced by minimizing sun exposure and regularly monitoring for signs of skin cancer. If an AK lesion is detected early, it can be treated with topical medications, cryotherapy, laser therapy, or surgery before it progresses to cancer.

In conclusion, the exact amount of time it takes for an actinic keratosis to become cancerous is not known. However, studies suggest that it may take years for an AK lesion to become cancerous. Minimizing sun exposure and regularly monitoring for signs of skin cancer can help reduce the risk of an AK lesion transforming into SCC. If an AK lesion is detected early, it can be treated before it progresses to cancer.


Active member
Actinic keratosis is a precancerous skin condition that is caused by long-term exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun. While it does not usually become cancer, it is important to take it seriously. If left untreated, actinic keratosis can potentially develop into squamous cell carcinoma, which is a type of skin cancer. It can take anywhere from several weeks to several years for actinic keratosis to become cancer. The development of cancer is dependent on a variety of factors, such as the severity of the condition, the person’s age, and the amount of sun exposure they have had. The best way to prevent cancer from developing is to seek medical treatment for actinic keratosis as soon as any symptoms appear.


Active member
It depends on the individual case, as some actinic keratosis can take years to develop into skin cancer, while others may only take weeks or months. It is important to monitor any changes in the keratosis and consult a dermatologist if there are any signs of progression.