How long can you live with alcoholic liver disease


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"Hi everyone, I'm looking for some help and advice regarding alcoholic liver disease. I'm wondering how long someone can live with this condition. I'm sure there are many people out there who have experienced this and I'm hoping to get some insight. Is anyone able to share their experiences or any information they have on this issue? Any help would be really appreciated.


Global Mod
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Global Mod
Alcoholic Liver Disease: Overview

Alcoholic liver disease is a serious condition that can result from long-term or heavy alcohol use. This type of liver damage can lead to cirrhosis, a potentially life-threatening condition. It can also increase your risk of developing other liver conditions, such as hepatitis and liver cancer.

Symptoms of Alcoholic Liver Disease

Alcoholic liver disease can cause a variety of symptoms, including:

• Fatigue
• Loss of appetite
• Nausea
• Weight loss
• Abdominal pain
• Yellowing of the skin or eyes (jaundice)
• Itching
• Confusion
• Swelling in the legs and ankles

How Long Can You Live with Alcoholic Liver Disease?

The length of time a person can survive with alcoholic liver disease depends on the severity of the condition and how well the person follows their treatment plan. Some people may experience a full recovery with appropriate treatment. Others may experience a slow decline in their condition. In some cases, organ failure and death may occur.

Treatment for Alcoholic Liver Disease

The best treatment for alcoholic liver disease is to abstain from alcohol. This will help to reduce the amount of damage to the liver and give the body a chance to heal. Other treatments may include:

• Medication
• Dietary changes
• Exercise
• Surgery
• Transplant

It is important to follow your doctor’s treatment plan to improve your chances of recovery.

Prevention of Alcoholic Liver Disease

The best way to prevent alcoholic liver disease is to limit or avoid alcohol consumption. If you do choose to drink, do so in moderation and follow the recommended guidelines for alcohol consumption.


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The expected survival rate for someone with alcoholic liver disease depends on the severity of the condition. Generally, people with a mild form of the condition may be able to live a relatively normal life, but for those with a more severe form, the outlook is less optimistic. With treatment, many people can live for several years with the disease, while those who don’t receive treatment may only have a few months left. The best way to improve the prognosis is to abstain from alcohol and to follow a treatment plan designed by a medical professional.


Active member
Alcoholic liver disease can have a serious impact on life expectancy. Generally, an alcoholic who stops drinking can expect to have a normal life expectancy, however, individuals who continue to drink can experience a severe reduction in lifespan, even up to 10 to 15 years. Additionally, individuals with advanced liver disease who do not stop drinking may experience a life expectancy of just a few years. Ultimately, the length of life for someone with alcoholic liver disease will depend on how quickly they seek treatment and how well they adhere to it.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
"I recently found out I have alcoholic liver disease and I'm wondering how long I can expect to live with it."

The outlook for people living with alcoholic liver disease varies depending on a range of factors. Generally speaking, the earlier the diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the better the prognosis. With proper medical care and lifestyle changes, such as abstaining from alcohol, many people can live a full and healthy life. It is also important to have regular check-ups to monitor your liver health. Ultimately, how long you can expect to live with alcoholic liver disease will depend on many factors, including how you respond to treatment.