How is typical different from atypical development


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"Hello everyone,

I'm hoping for some help understanding how typical development is different from atypical development. I'm interested in how the two are distinct and how they affect children's growth and development. Can anyone provide some insight? Any resources or knowledge you can share would be greatly appreciated.


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Typical development is the development that is seen most often in children, while atypical development is the development that is unusual or rare. Typical development can be seen in physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development, while atypical development may only affect one of these areas or all of them.

Physical Development

Typical physical development is seen in children as they grow and develop. This includes physical milestones such as rolling over, crawling, and walking. Atypical physical development may involve delays or difficulties in reaching these milestones or may involve physical impairments such as cerebral palsy.

Cognitive Development

Typical cognitive development involves learning basic skills such as language, problem solving, and motor skills. Atypical cognitive development may involve delays in reaching these milestones or may involve learning disabilities such as dyslexia or autism.

Social Development

Typical social development involves learning how to interact with others, such as making friends, sharing, and taking turns. Atypical social development may involve difficulty in forming relationships or may involve social impairments such as autism spectrum disorder.

Emotional Development

Typical emotional development involves learning how to regulate emotions, such as being able to express feelings and cope with stress. Atypical emotional development may involve difficulty in regulating emotions or may involve emotional impairments such as anxiety or depression.


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Atypical development is any kind of development that does not follow typical developmental milestones. This could include physical, cognitive, behavioural, social, or emotional development. Examples of atypical development could include a delay in reaching certain milestones, the presence of a developmental disorder or disability, or difficulties with communication or social skills. In contrast, typical development refers to development that follows the expected patterns of development for a given age, with no delays or significant difficulties.


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Atypical development is when a child does not meet the typical milestones of physical, cognitive, language, social, and emotional development for their age. Examples of atypical development include having a delay in learning to walk, speak, or being slower to master social skills. Typical development is when a child meets the expected milestones for their age. In this case, the child is learning and developing in a way that is considered normal for their age.


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Typical development refers to a pattern of growth and change in children that is considered “normal” or “standard” for their age. It includes physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth. Atypical development, on the other hand, is any pattern of growth and change that deviates from the typical range of development, either in the pace or sequence of development or in the overall level of functioning.

Physical development in typical development follows a predictable order, such as sitting up, crawling, and walking. Atypical development could include physical delays or impairments, such as difficulty walking or talking, or medical conditions that prevent or hinder development.

Cognitive development is the ability to think, reason, understand, and remember. Typical development in this area includes the acquisition of language, problem solving skills, and memory. Atypical development could include cognitive delays, learning disabilities, and other issues that impair cognitive functioning.

Social development includes the ability to interact with others and form relationships. Typical development includes the ability to build relationships, take turns, and respond to social cues. Atypical development in this area could include difficulties with social interaction, communication, or understanding of social cues.

Emotional development involves the ability to recognize and regulate emotions. Typical development includes the ability to identify and express feelings, as well as the ability to manage emotions. Atypical development in this area could include difficulty understanding and expressing emotions, as well as difficulty regulating emotions.

In summary, typical development is the expected pattern of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development in children, while atypical development deviates from this pattern in some way. Atypical development can include physical delays or impairments, cognitive delays or learning disabilities, social difficulties, and problems with emotional regulation.


Staff member
Question: How is typical development different from atypical development?

Typical development refers to the development of a person in a way that is considered "normal" for their age group, while atypical development is when a person’s development deviates from the norm or average. Typical development focuses on the physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development of a child, while atypical development focuses on the deficits and delays that occur, which can be due to various factors such as genetic disorders, environmental conditions, illnesses, and physical disabilities. Typical development is typically assessed through standardized tests, while atypical development requires more specialized tests and treatments.


Global Mod
Staff member
Global Mod
Q: What are some differences between typical and atypical development?

A: Typical development refers to the expected progression of physical, cognitive, and social development for a child of any given age, while atypical development is the development of skills at a rate that is slower or faster than what is considered typical for a child of the same age. Atypical development can sometimes be a sign of a developmental delay or disorder.